Another living soul (ch 35)

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Bad grammar
Talk about grape without the g
I have no idea how there souls work
Also maybe some adult talk I have no idea

(At first this chapter seemed like a good idea but now 😬)

I glared at killers heart shaped soul.  There was a white kind of glow to it.  I looked at mine.  Mine also had it.  "What the fuck" i whispered again.  "Do you know what's happening?" killer asked, kinda frantically.  I looked at him.  I didn't have an answer and killer knew that.  We felt one more huge electric shock go through our souls.  It made both of us lightheaded.  The glowing stopped on my soul but there was a faint glow to killers still.  I was still a little lightheaded but I quickly ran up and gently grabbed killer.  He looked sick.  I moved him so he was laying back on the couch.  "You ok" I asked.  Killer blinked slowly.  "Yeah I think so," he finally said.  His soul stopped glowing the white color and went back to the faint red glow with the target pattern.  I looked at the time.  It was 2:58am.  I looked back at killer.  He seemed ok but still looked a bit sick.  I grabbed a trash can just in case.  We didn't say anything about what just happened.  Both our souls were still out.  But killers looked weird.

"Killer, can I feel your soul real quick?" I asked.  He looked up at me and nodded.  I grabbed it slowly.  "Don't mind me.  I'm just gonna check something" I said.  Killer nodded again.  I gently placed two fingers on his soul.  Killer flinched and then looked at me.  I saw him blushing a bit.  I was triggering a part of his emotions but I wasn't doing it on purpose I just needed to feel it.  I stared at the soul confused.  "What is it" killer asked.  "It's...vibrating," I said.  "What" killer said.  I moved my fingers off of his soul.  "Here" I said, handing him the soul.  He felt it too.  "The stars, it is," he said.  I was thinking.  "So what does it mean?" killer asked.  "I could tell you what I think it is.  But..." I said.  "But what".  "But you might not like it".  Killer stayed quiet.  "Well...probably won't be the worst thing I've heard" he said.  "If it's not the worst thing that you've heard it's gonna be" I said.  Killers face changed a bit.

"What if I said that...there could be a soul growing inside of yours" I said.  Killer glared at me.  "Another living soul is growing inside of mine.  Like a..." killer didn't finish his sentence.  "Like a child's" I said to him.  "How do you know this?" killer asked in disbelief about the situation.  "When my mom was pregnant with Dream.  Her soul would vibrate just like that" I said.  "So you're telling me soul is pregnant" killer asked.  "That's my conclusion," I said.  Killer looked as if I just lied to him.  "No no no not possible only females can have children and I don't think skeletons can have kids" killer said trying to prove a point.  I went along with it.  Even if I knew he was wrong.  Not long after killer fell back asleep.  I grabbed his soul again.  I examined it carefully.  It was vibrating gently.  I remembered my soul did this once but I wasn't pregnant.  I shook my head at the thought.  "I fucken hate DreamTale" I whispered.

We kept the trash can close and I also fell asleep.  When we woke up I saw killer watching and feeling his soul vibrate.  I noticed his phone was on and that he searched up what it meant for your soul to vibrate.  Unfortunately I was correct.  I sat up and joined killer.  " umm..." killer said.  I grabbed his shoulder.  He didn't take his eyes off his soul.  "You ok" I asked.  "I was hoping this was a dream," killer whispered.  I looked away for a second then back.  "How's your soul?" killer asked.  "Normal" I replied.  The room filled with silence again.  "You would have been 2 or 1 before Dream was born so how do you remember so much" killer asked.  I stayed quiet for a bit.  "I don't.  I just read about it before.  When a female monster is pregnant their soul will vibrate" I said.  "Did you lie to make me feel better?" killer asked.  "A little yeah.  But I'm positive that there is another soul inside of yours' ' I said.  "How do you know that it's not like this has ever happened to you?" killer said jokingly, trying to make me and himself laugh.  But I just looked down. 

I felt killers emotions changed from funny and sarcastic to confused and concerned.  "Nightmare what the hell happened" he said concerned.  I stayed quiet for a bit longer.  "Nightmare" killer snapped a finger next to my head.  "Listen, it's not like it was intentional," I said.  I saw killers eyes widen in fear.  I looked at him then at my hand.  "In DreamTale Dream went to hang out with his friends and I sat around reading a book.  A stranger walked up to me and said he needed help.  I wanted to try to be a good person so I went to help.  But the only person who needed help, was me.  He brought me somewhere and did something that made my soul vibrate like that but the vibrating didn't last long.  Once I got away I ran back to Dream.  He was a bit worried but calmed down when he saw me.  I never told him though.  A week later the same person got arrested for sexual assault.  That bastard got what they deserved" I explained.  When I looked back at killer he looked scared.  "Did he fucken rape you?" he asked.  I hesitated but eventually nodded.

"Why the hell didn't you tell Dream" killer blurred out.  "What was I supposed to tell him.  That I got raped trying to be a good person and help someone.  He wouldn't have trusted anyone after that.  He probably wouldn't have even trusted ink or blue in the war" I explained.  "Well you could have at least told him that there was a raper out there" killer said loudly.  "I didn't need to.  After I made sure Dream was ok I went to the police.  They did a DNA scan and found the person.  Then they arrested him.  I made sure that person wouldn't be able to hurt my brother, or anyone" I explained.  Killer stayed quiet.  "Why don't you ever tell me these things," killer asked.  "I don't want your opinion of me to change," I said.  "What do you think is gonna change?  I'm gonna stop caring for you.  I'm gonna  think badly about you.  What do you think will change" killer asked.  "I don't want you to feel bad for me.  I don't want you to worry.  I don't want you to go on a murder spree and destroy that  AU" I said.  I was joking around with the last one though. 

Killer looked down and back at his soul.  He started to lay on me a bit.  "My opinion on you will never change.  But remember I'm always here if you need someone to talk to.  I'll listen just like you do" killer said.  I smiled and looked at his soul too.  Silence filled the room again.  "What do you think it's gonna be?" killer asked.  "What's, what gonna be?" I asked.  "The kid," killer said.  I froze remembering that killers soul is in fact, growing a kid.  "Uhh-".

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