Killers missing (ch 17)

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Cuss warning

(Nightmare point of view)

Me and killer heard a stick snap in the woods. We went to investigate the sound but no one was there. "Think it was an animal," I asked killer. He didn't respond. "Killer," I said turning around. "Killer your not gonna scare me," I said sarcastically. About 3 minutes passed and I started to get worried. "Killer this isn't funny" I said a little scared now. I saw something shining on the ground. He dropped his knife. Killer never leaves his knives. I called horror telling him I couldn't find killer. Then dust and lust. They were on their way to help find him.

"Killer!" I was walking around trying to find him. "Killer!" I yelled again. I was scared. Did something happen? Did he leave on purpose? Was this one of his jokes I swear. "killer!". "Nightmare what happened" dust said behind me. "Dust, wewerewalkingroundand-". "Nightmare my stars calm down I can't understand you" dust said. I was talking too fast. I calmed down then explained what happened. Horror and lust showed up and I explained to them too. "Where did he go?" lust asked. "I-I don't know he was just here". We started to look around for him. After a while with no luck I was extremely worried.

Dust horror and lust were talking to each other but I couldn't hear them. What the hell happened to him? "You guys ok" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned around and saw Dream standing there with cross. "Brother what happened?" he asked. "Dream how did you-". "You're not the only one who can feel emotions too," he told me. "Anyway what happened, why are you this negative?" he asked. Horror explained to dream and cross what happened because I couldn't talk straight. "Wait, he's missing," cross asked.

I nodded. "Brother can you calm down your too stressed '' Dream asked in a worried tone. "I'll calm down once he's found. '' I said in a stern voice. "Your acting like a parent when they lose their kid" cross said. (Mama-nootmare). "Yeah I wonder why" lust teased. "Shut the fuck up" I got a little angry. "Nightmare calm down we are gonna find him you don't need to get angry about it" dream said. I looked at the ground. I was angry and scared. Where is he? "I'll call him to see if he answers," cross said, pulling out his phone. "In the meantime nightmare take a deep breath and calm down" dream said.

I looked at dream and then walked away. "Where are you going?" dust asked. "To fucken calm down" I said walking away. I went to the cliff and looked at the sky. I slowed my breath and looked at my mom's ring. Calm down nightmare we are gonna find him. I looked back at the sky then sat down. I looked beside me. It reminded me of when killer saw me here for the first time. I smiled thinking of it. Like I told him years ago. I come here to think.

(Dream point of view)

I've never seen my brother like this. Killer went missing and nightmares acting like it's the end of the world. And people say he doesn't care about his friends. He was full of anger and fear. I can't blame him since I would probably act the same way If cross or nightmare went missing. "Hey might want to come here," Horror said in a scared tone. We walked over and saw a spot of blood on the ground. "Is it killers?" dust asked. "I don't know whose it is," Horror replied. There was a blue string like errors on the ground.

"Did error do this" cross asked. "No he wouldn't...right" I said quietly. "Let's visit him just to make sure," lust said, picking up the string. "You guys go, me and horror will find nightmare" dust told us. "You want me to tag along? '' I asked. "No," Dust said in a stern voice. "Sorry I meant to say no thanks, we need people to find killer before nightmare turns someone to dust and if error did do something to killer you can tell if he's lying because of his emotion right". I paused a bit. "You're right," I said. "Let's go". We went to nightmares castle and called error and ink.

Ink: hello

Dream: where are you? Are you with error?

Ink: I'm in the void yes errors with me.

Dream: was he there the whole time?

Ink: yeah we were just making dolls.

Dream: Are you sure?

Ink: yeah I'm sure what happ-

Cross: killer went missing and we found errors string next to a spot of blood where killer was last seen.

Ink: Wait What!

Dream: if error was with you the whole time then who was it?

Cross: I don't know.

I could hear ink moving around from the phone

Lust: ink do you have an idea on who it could be.


Dream: ink?

"Wait so what the hell happened" someone said behind us. I turned around and saw ink holding errors shoulder. Error looked confused. We still were on the call with each other. We hung up the phones and started to explain what happened.

"Nightmare and killer were in the woods talking when they heard something snap. They went to investigate but no one was there. Nightmare turned around and killer was gone. He called horror, lust, dust asking them if they could help find him. I felt a huge burst of negativity and fear coming from nightmare so I went to see what happened. Nightmare was furious and kept yelling at everyone. He decided to take a walk and cool down. We kept looking around and horror found a spot of blood near this" I explained holding up the string.

Immediately errors emotions turned to fear. "What?" I asked error. He whispered something but it was muffled. Ink doesn't have emotions but he was acting the same way. "What" I said again more stearn. Ink looked at error. "He's back," he asked. "Who's back?" cross said. They ignored us. "That son of a B̴i̴t̷c̵h̴" error said glitching out. He crashed for a second then snapped out of it. "Who's Back" lust yelled. It was quiet for a while. "My old boss" error said. "Who's that?" I asked.

(Dust point of view)

Me and horror went to look for nightmare. "Any idea where he is?" I asked. "I know exactly where he is" horror said. "Lead the way," I told him. We went to the cliff but nightmare wasn't there. I heard something move in the tree. Nightmare was that broken skull skeleton thing. He was leaning against the tree trunk sitting on a branch. "You good" horror asked. "So find anything, '' he asked us. "We found a spot of- '' I tried to explain to nightmare about the blood but horror slammed his hand against my mouth. "Something bad" nightmare said quietly.

"Something we can't tell you unless we want you to get angry again" horror said moving his hand. Nightmare was quiet but his eyes were wide open. "Dust?" He asked quietly but scared. "No No No! Stars no...just..." I said putting my hand on the back of my neck. I didn't want to tell him after what horror said. If blue went missing and someone told me that they found blood I would probably snap like I did for the resets or straight fall to the ground in tears. I'm afraid what nightmare would do if we told him that now.

"Forget about it ok" I told. Nightmare looked down. I realized that he was holding something. He was holding a knife. One of killers ' knives. "What are you doing?" I was a little worried. Nightmare looked at the knife. "Nothing," he said. Horrors' eye sockets opened wide. "Did you turn them off again" he asked. I could hear nightmare laugh quietly. "What do you think?" he said sarcastically. "Why" horror said a little angry. "In a situation like this I can feel many emotions, '' he said. Horror was quiet. "I guess" horror said looking down. "I didn't want Dream to feel my emotions and find out".

I was confused. What did they turn off? And what about emotions? Nightmare got out of the tree. His eyes looked dull. He had the knife still in his hand. It reminded me of when I snapped. I was in the same position and my eyes were dull like his. Killer where the hell are you.

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