Chapter 8

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The 'Three Amigos' was a little restaurant, in the middle of nowhere, amidst the confines of the village. You would not find it, unless you knew where you were going. Which made Misty wonder all the time, how they got their first customers in the first place. She had heard about the place through the University grapevine, and even with the directions she had received, she still had to really look for it. It was a quaint Mexican restaurant, with an extensive menu and affordable prices. It had clay walls, and a straw, thatched roof, adding to the aesthetics. Decorated with little cacti, sombreros, ponchos, and even a Mexican band, with senorita dancers. The group of five, were situated at a corner booth. A striped cloth lay on top of the table and a candle in the middle. Stanley had arrived just a few minutes before, and they were now thoroughly, examining the meus, for something to satisfy their hunger.

"What are you guys gonna get? Personally I'm gonna go for the 'Death by Taco.'" Tyler asked the table.

"We're gonna get the same," Stanley and Stacey answered.

"'Tucked in' burrito meal," Dennis.

"I'm gonna get the 'Chicken Pita'," Misty. The waiter came around, a few seconds later, as though he had a radar letting him know who was ready to order. 

"So, how did you guys meet Tyler?" Stanley wondered, once they had placed their orders. 

"I met him last night at the library, and then I almost killed him twice today."

"What!?" Stanley almost spat out the water he had been drinking.

"I made him have... or is it, go into? Whatever, he had two seizures because of me."

"Again, what?" 

"He has the memory of a goldfish." 

"I think you already know what I'm going to say." Dennis gave up on quenching his thirst, as he put his glass back on the table. Resting his arm on the table, he leaned forward placing his head in his hands, to give Misty his full attention. 

"Well in the morning he was arguing with me, saying that he did not know me; that we did not meet last night. Then he drops to the floor, convulsing like he dropped a hair dryer in the bathtub. Fast forward to the hospital, now he's arguing with me, saying this morning never happened, and he never said he did not know me. Then his eyes are rolling to the back of his head, as he starts to jolt like their defibrating him." 

"I'm not even gonna say anything, cause this is not the first time I've been told about gaps in my memory."

"Anyway the doctor said to avoid stressing him, so no telling him he did something when he thinks he has not." Misty finished off her her explanation.

"I missed out, on so much." 

"Enough about his useless memory. What are you doing for your major work Stacey?" Dennis asked Stacey, changing the subject.

"Ha, as if I would tell you!" Stacey exclaimed, as though what Dennis asked had been the funniest thing she had ever heard in her life.

"Why not?" Dennis asked, a frown on his face.

"You probably just want to laugh in my face. Or better yet, take my idea and morph it into something I could not possibly dream of topping." Stacey explained as though is were obvious. As though Dennis was actively seeking her down fall.

"I would never," Dennis said, completely and utterly confused.

"Whatever, the point its, I'm not gonna tell you. So, just give up whilst you're ahead." Stacey, crossed her arms getting into a defensive position as though proving her point.

"I have an idea, but I don't think it's good." Stanley said. "We get one word to base our movie on and the word they give us is 'journey'. Journey? Like seriously, what does that even mean. I was thinking of doing a biopic, about myself and my journey through University until now. But like come on, talk about cliché, am I right? Or am I right?" Dennis ranted, as he stirred the straw of his drink. "Oh well, I'll think of something. What about you guys? What are you doing for your art major works."

"We got 'Inspiration' for our word, to base our major works on. I have so many things that inspire me, that's the problem. Maybe I'll do something cliché, like the inspiration of the people around me." Stanley offered up his idea.

"I have no idea, just gonna create and see what strikes." Tyler said with a shrug, completely unbothered by the fact that it was crunch time and he hardly had half an idea.

"What?" Misty asked, as everyone turned to look at her.

"Everyone else shared. So, cough it up." Tyler explained, the sudden stares.

"Actually, technically speaking Stacey did not share her idea so..." Misty trailed, off, focusing on her food that had come during Dennis' rant.

"Just tell us."

"I do not know what I am going to do for my major work so, thank you for reminding me of that." Misty sarcastically answered. "Can I eat now?"

"Bon appetite." With that they all dug into their meals, talking about this and that. 

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