Chapter 24

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Misty had gone about her day in a state of limbo. She could not believe it but she was actually feeling Tyler's absence. It had been fine, when she had woken up. Going about her day, attending classes and being aloof to the happenings of the social world. She had not really noticed anything amiss, just a nagging feeling that followed her throughout the day. It was not until the gang had gotten together, to go to a drive in movie that she realised what was wrong.

"Where's Tyler?" Misty asked as she settled into the tray of Dennis' Ute. It was a chilly afternoon with nippy winds that kept biting at unsuspecting victims the whole day. So, they had dumped a random mattress into the tray of Dennis' pickup, and thrown in so many blankets that they were half expecting a warning light for weight overload. However, as they settled in the tray, Misty realised there was a lack of annoyance being thrown her way.

"With the counsellor." Dennis replied, reaching out to settle the popcorn into his lap.

"Why?" Misty asked, before shoving a mouthful of popcorn into her mouth.

"Because he punched someone."

"Was he 2.0 at the time?" Misty asked. Not that she thought 2.0 was a violet half, it just made more sense that out of all the Tyler's he would be the one to explode. He always had the problem of feeling too much compared to his other half, that could allow logic to reign his actions.


"Why would original Tyler punch someone? He's the nicest guy to exist." Misty wondered out loud, causing her friends to exchange knowing looks. Misty did not understand how they could be so calm about the matter, completely unbothered by Tyler's uncharacteristic behaviour.

"Someone insulted his parents."

"And you," Dennis' words were disguised in a cough. But, the twins could easily decipher them, causing them to give Dennis a pointed look, to which he shrugged unapologetically.

"Made a foul joke about them being dead." Stanley explained with a shrug, as though it were an open shut case that needed no further explanation.

"What did they say?"

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"Do you sometimes want to punch me?"

"Wh-what?" Tyler sputtered out, taking off guard by Misty's sudden presence and her question. He had no idea where she had appeared from, considering he had not told anyone about his whereabouts, and also the fact that the market was quite crowded that morning. Looking around, he winced once he caught the stink eye a group of old ladies were giving him.

"Do you sometimes want to punch me?" Misty repeated, her eyes earnestly looking up at him in search of the truth. Tyler tried to pull her away to escape the judgement wafting of the old ladies, but she would not budge.

"No, what makes you think that?" Tyler finally answered once he realised Misty was being serious.

"You punched a guy for saying, and I quote, 'are you going to cry to mommy and daddy. Oh wait, you can't, cause they're dead.'"

"I reckon that's a punchable offence." Tyler shrugged.

"Yeah, but when I talk about your parents, I always refer to them as 'your rich, dead parents.' So that begs the question, do you sometimes want to push me?" They had circled back to Misty's original question, however this time Tyler knew where she was coming from.

Sighing Tyler gave Misty a small smile, before turning away to fiddle with the different trinkets on display, on the stall in front of him. It was true Misty always referred to his parents as his 'rich, dead parents', but he had never held it against her. Even the first time she said it, when they hardly knew each other, instead of seeing red, all he could do was laugh. It seemed that every time she mentioned his parents in her unique, untactful way, it brought a smile to his face. It helped him view the subject of his parents in a positive light, bringing forth happy memories and not just the fact they were no longer here.

"There's a difference you know?" Tyler said softly.

"What do you mean?" Misty frowned.

"Well there's context to consider. Whenever you mention my 'rich dead parents', there's no malicious undertone."

"Yeah but still..." Misty moved to argue.

"We can't forget about the situation. Whenever you mention my 'rich dead parents', there's no animosity brewing in the air." Tyler interrupted.

Okay, howev–"

"Oh, and the most important reason why you mentioning my 'rich dead parents', isn't a punchable offence. There is a major difference between you and Guston."

"That's a terrible name." Misty muttered distractedly, temporarily forgetting her argument.

"I know, a punchable offence in itself. Anyway, back to the most important reason: I don't like Guston but you... you I like very much."

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