Chapter 29

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"You should come to my frat party."

"Hard pass."

"Why not?" Tyler asked Misty with a frown, he had not expected the rejection and now he was at a loss. Once again they found themselves together, hiding away in Misty's alcove in the library. They had started out in the garden, but the weather had taken a drastic turn, causing them to seek shelter. Tyler was slowly being lulled to sleep, by the pitter patter of rain, beating against the library roof. So, he decided to start conversation, in a bid to keep himself awake. His plan succeeded, because Misty's rejection had definitely jolted him awake.

"Because I don't do parties. Never have, never will." Misty answered.

"Wait, so you've never been to a party your entire life?" Tyler asked, the feeling of rejection long forgotten.


"Don't you want to try something new?" Tyler asked, his tone suggestive.

"If I wanted to try something new, a party would hardly be at the top of my list." Misty replied, giving Tyler a pointed look.

"Come one, there's gotta be something I can do to convince you? I don't want to have to pull the  whole 'you discarded me, and hurt my feeling real bad' card." Tyler pleaded. Since the party was being hosted by his frat, he was obligated to attend. However, he felt as though the party would hardly be any fun, if Misty was not in attendance. He had gotten so used to her presence, he feared going into withdrawals. He did not want to relive, the two weeks they had spent apart over again.

"Art can be anything right?" Misty answered after a beat of silence, causing Tyler to perk up though wearingly. 


"And your frat is having a party soon?"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you"

"Make me a dress."


"Make me a dress, please."

"Why do you need a dress?" Tyler asked, completely perplexed by the request.

"Because, I want a Tyler Traboune original. Also, it's the only way you're gonna get me to come to that party without guilt tripping me." Misty replied, whilst resting her elbow on the table, and her chin on her hand. She stared at a wide eyed Tyler, as though her request had been simply to pass a pen, not all all as though she knew how much weight her words held. Have of the time, Tyler wondered if she knew what she doing. If she knew asking him for an original, was like giving him a cash prize.

There had been a change in the air, ever since they had resolved their feelings. With Misty's lack of care going into overdrive. It seemed as though the tables had turned, and Misty was now the one who was following Tyler everywhere. Ever since he had gotten his diagnosis, she had been trailing after him like a lost puppy. Most of the time, Tyler did not even know how Misty had gotten the information regarding his whereabouts. It seemed as though she was always one step ahead, waiting patiently for him before he had even arrived. Though curious about how Misty always knew where he would be, before even he did, Tyler decided not to question it. He had accepted the fact, wherever he was, Misty was not far away. She had been asking him peculiar questions, and eagerly writing down his answers in her trusty notebook. What Tyler wouldn't do, to sneak a peak at her writing.

"I don't have time to make you a dress. I need to do my mock final."

"Then make the dress for me and for your mock final. You know, kill two birds with one stone. I could be your model or whatever." Misty brushed off Tyler's concerns adding, "it's a win-win situation."

Seeing that he could not possibly deny her request with her sound logic, Tyler reluctantly agreed. "Do you have any idea about how you want the dress to look?"

"No... I want it to be red though." Misty replied innocently.

"You know, when people ask someone to make something, they usually have an idea in mind."

"Oh," Misty frowned.

"It's fine, I'll figure it out." Tyler rushed out, not liking the frown that had taken over Misty's face. Yes, he definitely wondered if Misty knew the affect she had on him, and whether she constantly manipulated him on purpose. Shaking his head, he wondered how he was gonna bring the word 'literal', into designing a red dress. The things he got himself into. 

Taking out his book, he decided to add and entry so Tyler 2.0 could be aware of the new development. He did not want to get to the day his mock final was due, only for it to be incomplete. Or worse, get to the day of the part, and disappointing Misty by telling her she had nothing to wear.



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Once he had finished his entry, Tyler raked his eyes down Misty's body. Misty aware of his heated gaze started fidgeting, wondering if something was wrong. However, Tyler's gaze was unrelenting as he unconsciously mapped out her features.

"Dude, stop leering at her. You look like a pervert!" Dennis' remark and upwards slap to the back of his head, had Tyler breaking out of his trance.

"Ow man! What was that for!?" Tyler whined, as he rubbed the sore spot.

"I said, you look like a pervert."

"That was innocent," Tyler argued.

"There was nothing innocent about the way your eyes were drinking her up."

Tyler's entire face turned red. Looking down at his art book, he mumbled, "she asked me to make her a dress."

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