Chapter 25

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The hallways were crowded, as students participated in an intricate dance of avoidance. With some sliding, others weaving, and most twirling around. Misty had walked out of her classroom, only to run into a chest that had her stumbling back two steps. Like a creep, Tyler had been slinking outside her classroom, only to block the door as soon as twelve had struck. Catching her before she fell, he had quickly stripped her of her possessions, before dragging her out to join the dance.

"I have functioning arms, you do know that?"

"The permanent bruise on my arm is testament to that." Tyler mumbled, rubbing his shoulder as he felt the phantom pain run down his arm.

"Then you can hand me my materials."

"Nah, I'm good." Tyler said, singling the backpack that held said materials onto his shoulder.

"Don't you have your own things to hold?" Misty wondered out loud. To which Tyler held up the two books nestled in his hand. "You have to have more than that."


"Because, you're an art student. Where's your massive canvas, or your satchel bursting with art supplies?"

"Are we just describing stereotypes now?" Tyler asked, one eyebrow perked.

"Stereotype or not, you're a University student, you need more than two books a day. At the very least you should be lugging around five," Misty argued.

"I have one book for each class; business and art." Tyler replied, showcasing each book as he mentioned them.

"I can't..." Misty could not finish her sentence, too frustrated by Tyler's Laissez-faire attitude.

"You on the other hand, you're basically carrying the whole library with you." Tyler exclaimed, pretending to buckle under the weight.

"If it's too heavy for you, hand it back."

"Nice try."

"Why are you here?" Misty asked, deciding to drop the subject.

"What do you mean?"

"Walking with me I mean. Don't you have anything else to do?"

Tyler mulled the question over his head. It was true he never sought out Misty during her classes, let alone escorted her whilst carrying her things. She had every right to be curious, at his unusual actions. To be honest, he did not feel as though he needed a reason to follow Misty around, but deep down he knew he had an ulterior motive. Ever since reading 2.0's confession about Rebecca, he had been on edge. Tyler never could handle confrontations, the kind that dealt with girls and their feelings, especially if the feelings were unreciprocated. After getting accepted into the best University, his popularity had spiked, as well as his relationship status. He could remember being roped into relationships, and then waking up only to discover his relationship had ended, and the girl was quite happy to curse him fifteen different languages. At least now he knew it was 2.0's doing. He figured that the best way to spare Rebecca's feelings would be to keep himself in Misty's company. Considering he would just be projecting his dreams into reality, he was sure their interactions would be convincing enough to deter Rebecca." I like your company, and I'm hoping to avoid a certain confrontation." He finally settled on.

"What confrontation?" Misty asked. Her interest piqued, causing her to stop in her tracks. Twirling around, she planted herself in his path, and stared at him in anticipation.

"A girl is going to ask me out apparently, and I have a terrible track record of rejecting people."

"So what, I'm your body armour?" Misty asked, amused. Considering Tyler had always been quite assertive, even inserting himself into her life. It was funny to see him now that tables had turned.

"It's not funny. It's either this, or I end up accidentally dating her, and then 2.0 breaks her heart." Tyler explained. "So yeah, please be my armour. Just let me be your shadow for the next couple of days, just to be safe."

"Fine, but I get to call the shots. We live in a give and take society my friend. So, if you want something from me, you gotta make it worth my while."

"Trust me, I can make it worth your while."

"Sorry, am I interrupting something?" The two jumped, at the sound of the new voice. Being so caught up in their conversation Tyler and Misty had not taken note of the figure approaching them or how the figure had planted themselves next to them.

"Re-be-becca, how long have you been standing there?" Tyler stuttered out, flushing red in embarrassment.

"Long enough to hear, you'll make it worth her while." Rebecca recounted, bitterly.

"Oh okay, good." Tyler sighed out in relief, as he shuffled from one foot to another. He was glad she had not heard about his plans to deter her feelings.

"Was I interrupting something?"

"If you have to ask, 90% of the time you are." Misty informed Rebecca offhandedly.

"I'm sorry, who are you?"

"Uh, this is Misty. Misty meet Rebecca, we have art together." Tyler introduced, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Are you finished your classes?" Rebecca asked Misty.


"Then why are you in the hallways? You don't want to be late, some of the professors really hate that." Rebecca's words denoted concern, but her tone told another story.

"I've been in University for years, I'm pretty sure I know what gets on my professors nerves. Besides, Tyler has decided to prove chivalry isn't dead. He's carrying my books, can't really go on without him."

"Yes, of course." Rebecca gritted out, eyes narrowing on the backpack slung over Tyler's shoulder. "I just wanted to ask Tyler if he was free to have coffee sometime."

"Probably not," Misty shut down.

"I wasn't asking you," Rebecca snapped.

"I'm just saying, if you have the chance to peek at his planner, he doesn't really have any spare time. Line after line is just, 'follow Misty around like a mindless drone'."

"Excuse me?"

"That's actually true. Not the planner part, the whole following her around part." Tyler jumped in.

"I see. Well, if you ever feel like a good time, you know where to find me." Rebecca said, lips pursed. She made sure to throw one last dirty look towards Misty, before strutting away.

"I feel as though she'd be real tough as armour."

"Tell me about it."

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