Dungeons & Dragons- Part 2

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"Hey" Rina greeted next, smiling, her canine teeth showing making Atlas breathless at her beautiful sight. Her black fading red, long, wavey hair was down. She wore a red, sleeveless crop-top with golden wave patterns, a single strap over her right shoulder. A red banner skirt with gold outline decorated her waist down, wearing the same sandals as Ashera but smaller. Black metallic armbands with emeralds the color of her eyes, rested in the middle. A black metallic choker wrapped around her neck, tiny golden chain hung from it like fairy lights.

"Say hi" Kaiba kneeled down, minimizing himself to Khepri's short height, speaking in a baby voice. Khepri waved her tiny little hand wildly at the Brypu family with a stick in hand in her smile, Bryan awed at the baby. Her short magenta hair was down, wearing a grey shirt that acted as both a shirt and skirt that said 'Little Princess' in gold lettering.

The Brypu family each did their own greeting, inviting the family to sit on the snow plate couches. Once everyone was sited, Bryan and Inpu next to each, Kaiba and Ashera next to other across from the couple, Khepri on Kaiba's lap. Lotus and Femi sat together next to their parents, as Atlas and Rina sat across from them. Six Eygptain soldiers entered the marbled piller room, metals spears mounted in their right hands.

"The perimeter is clear" Spoke a soldier, standing straight, spear in hand like a scepter. An intimidating slight to behold, bolds eyes scrutinized the blank room for possible threats. Even when their eyes moved their bodies didn't, not even a single hair particle lifted.

"Have you double checked?" Ashera asked, the head soldier nodded staring at nothing inparticular. "Very well, return to your positions."

The soldiers instantly moved at their King's order, four repositioning themselves behind their King's and smallest heir, as two correlated behind Rina and Atlas. Kaiba shifted, tension in his muscles.

"Ashera, this isn't necessary" Kaiba held tightly onto his husband's hand. Their eyes locked, amber and emerald staring at each other. Kaiba's amber eyes showed tension, sadness, supplicating Ashera to reconsider. The emerald eyes broke, blinking excessively at the amber eyes as if the expression was going to change, they didn't.

Ashera reluctancy sighed, closing his eyes. "Protectors stance" Ashera ordered showing his emerald eyes to the world again. The soldiers shuffled, thugs after every step they took. Two thumping to the archway, standing at the sides, as the rest stood by a marbled piller in the room. Spear still in hand.

"Sorry for being perturbed" Ashera apologized, stroking Khepri's head. Giggles filled the room the tension fading. "There is a friend, if you can even call him that who doesn't have the best intentions for my family." Ashera clarified, shifting his attention to Kaiba. He placed his hand behind his husband's furry ear and gently blushed the soft fur.

"Understandable" said Inpu taking a deep breath, a sniff later on. "I wouldn't let my family out of the mansion when my time variant was around, unless two guards were with them at all times. Even then, I would limit them from stepping outside with the guards." Bryan softly groaned, nodding his head as he fell back on the couch. The kids nodded, looking at Inpu with an annoyed expression plastered on their little faces.

Ashera noted the family's reactions. "I would have done the sa-" Ashera stopped, intimidated by Kaiba's piercing eyes into his soul, accommodated by Rina's sadden soft emerald eyes. "B-but Kaiba would probably fight me." Ashera explained,  watching as Kaiba's death stare faded and Rina's eyes rejoiced. Though it would be the safest option, he knew the dire consequences that came with it. Rina loved playing with the children and Kaiba liked helping the orphans, both requiring to be outside the palace. If he concealed his family in the palace Rina will probably grow depressed, and for Shiva's sake Kaiba will riot against him. So he decided not to, but that didn't mean they would walk around freely. Two guards were to be stationed by their side at all times, except Kaiba. He had four guards since Khepri is always with him.

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