Yana: Which is the problem.

Kuroo: how is that even a problem?

Yana: He confessed to me and I like him, I really do. But like, I'm kinda...

Yana: I'm kinda scared I guess

Kuroo: Why? What did he do?

Yana: NOOOOO he didn't do anything.

Yana: just some lingering doubts about dating, cuz ya know, Iseri n stuff

Kuroo: Ah.

Yana: sorry I know it's stupid. I should and could have said yes right away. The mood was perfect. There were fireflies and stars and it was really beautiful. But somehow, I couldn't say yes.

Yana groaned frustrated with herself. She knew that this kind of opportunity would only happen once. If she did hypothetically reject him. Things would be awkward between them.

Kuroo: It sounds like you need a day to not think about that. To clear your head.

Kuroo: 1pm. I'll pick you up from the train station. We are going to the arcade.

Yana: ??? like over there? Tokyo over there?

Kuroo: where else? NOW GO SLEEP. It's 3 in the morning and I expect to see you at 11am tmrw.

Yana mulled the idea over for a second. It was Saturday tomorrow and it's not like she had anything planned. Yana looked at the project left neatly on her desk. I should do that, but I can also. Just not do that. In the end procrastination won out. Yeah, I don't have anything planned.

Kuroo: goodnight shortstop

Yana: nighty nighty. See you tmrw.


"Yana!" Kuroo waved to get her attention as Yana disembarked from the train.

Yana perked up when she heard his voice. It was easy to spot Kuroo in a crowd thanks to his height and hair. Yana was pleasantly surprised to see Kenma standing beside him. Yana went to hug Kenma first then Kuroo shortly after. "You're both here!" she couldn't help but smile, it was nice being near them again. It felt familiar and comfortable. Sure, she liked the Aoba Johsai boys too, but that was different. She had spent practically her whole life with Kuroo and Kenma. "So where are we going?"

"The arcade!" Kuroo put his hands together.

"You mean, that arcade?"

"Yep" Kenma huffed. You could see he was secretly excited about it.

"Is Kenma allowed back in again?"

"The owner changed recently so Kenma's ban was lifted." At the sprightly age of eleven Kenma was banned from coming to the Arcade by the owner. It wasn't for destruction of property or bothering other people. Kenma was just too good and ended up taking all the big prizes with the obscene amount of tickets he earned.

"Oh nice!" The three of them hadn't visited the arcade in years -since Kenma was banned actually- so they were all pretty pumped to go.

"Ah. But we have two other people coming along with us." Kuroo grinned as the trio started walking. "They said they would meet us outside of the arcade. They were in the area, so we invited them."


"HEY HEY HEY!" Bokuto let go of Akaashi's hand so he could wave to the trio.

Yana almost spat out her drink. She knew that voice and iconic line anywhere. "Bokuto? Akaashi?"

"Hello Iwaizumi" Akaashi gave her a slight smile which made Yana's heart squeeze. The setter was too pretty for his own good and his smiles were a force to be reckoned with.

"It's been ages!" She hastily ran over to the pair excited to see them again.

"We saw you last summer training camp." Bokuto grinned. "That wasn't too long ago!" Bokuto's energy was infectious as everyone found themselves smiling.

"Bokuto. That was over half a year ago." Akaashi deadpanned.

Bokuto paused and looked at Akaashi "Eh? Half a year?" Bokuto then looked to Kuroo. "Bro, it's been so long." He gasped. "Let's not waste any more time, let's go play!"

"Bokuto. You saw Kuroo a few days ago at this year's summer training camp with Karasuno."

The five of them walked into the arcade. Compared to the last time Kuroo, Kenma and Yana entered, it almost seemed like an entirely different building. They could list all the changes that had happened over the course of those five years. The biggest change of all had to be the atmosphere. There were rainbow lights flashing from wall to wall and the sound effects from the games seem to have been cranked up to max volume as they overpowered the pop music playing in the background. There were many more game options compared to five years ago, though that was to be expected.

Kenma's eyes seemed to sparkle as he ventured around the play area. Eventually his eyes spotted a particular game that had been added to the arcade during the five years he wasn't allowed to enter. "Yana!"


Kenma pointed to the machine. "It's your most favorite thing ever." Kenma projected his voice so it would reach Bokuto's ears.

"Yana's most favorite thing ever?!"

"No, it is not." Yana gave Kenma the side eye as she responded to Bokuto. There was no way she was going to play that game.

Kuroo picked up on the conversation, he wanted in on it too. "Oh yeah, it is Yana's favorite game. You should play it with her don't you think?"

Not needing any more prompting Bokuto ushered her onto the Dance Dance Revolution machine. Yana cried internally. She hated dancing with a passion; it was one of her least favorite things to do. Why? Yana is an absolutely godawful dancer. At one point in her life she was enrolled in dance lessons. Of course, that ended very quickly.

Yana really didn't want to go against Bokuto in a dance battle, she would most certainly make a fool of herself. She pleaded to Akaashi with her eyes to make Bokuto give up, unfortunately for her he just shrugged and let it happen.

Kenma pulled out his phone with a sly smirk. He was having way too much fun.

Yana was about to say something before Bokuto spoke first.

"Do you not want to play this game with me?"

Yana could have sworn she saw Bokuto's hair deflate along with his mood. He gave her the most persuasive puppy eyes she had ever seen in her life. It was criminal to say no to them. Damn owl.

"Fine. I'll play one round of DDR with you" Yana conceded and promised herself that Kuroo and Kenma would get what's coming for them.

Kenma pressed record on his phone as the countdown to the game began. Yana's rhythm was off, and she moved with the grace of an elephant on rollerblades. It was honestly a sight to behold and Kenma made sure to record every single second of it.

The game went as predicted, with Bokuto's score absolutely demolishing hers.

"Never..." She caught her breath "...Ever again."

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