Start from the beginning

"God dammit, they still believe I'm a devil fruit user!? They're shooting me up with sea stone bullets!" Wilbur let out some angry hoots.

When his master, no, his friend went under for a few weeks he had been put into extreme stress. She had saved him, why couldn't he save her? Ever since that day. The day he was saved by her. A day that he would remember until the day he died.

In all cases, the owling had only been born only a few months prior the incident. But the second he could hunt and live on his own.

His home was destroy, his family was killed and everyone he had ever known had either been either slaughtered or kidnapped.

People would call him lucky but he didn't believe so, since the people who killed his family had tooken him and shoved him into a crate.

The wooden crate would be where he would live for the many days to come. Over this time he would transpired a strong and burning rage.

Such hate, such...disgust.

Towards the marines, and it would be burning inside him for way to long.

But then the day came where he would be freed by a weird floating girl. She had sunken the ship he had been on, and she was the first thing that he saw when he crawled out of the deck of the ship and flew closer to her.

The hatred he had kept from all those long days and nights, would finally be let out.

After all.

He was only a boy, an...owling who had only been born a couple of months ago. His species were the strongest but most harmless birds alive. They never harmed anyone unless they hurt their offspring. So why did all of them have to be killed off?

That was one question would still go unexplained to the day he died.

His species never harbored grudges or anger, but, he was now different. Being so young and seeing just how cruel the world could be to him and others like him. Had tuned him crueler, making it that he made sure to protect himself and the only other person he had ever cared for. Y/N.

When she went cold for three weeks it made him completely stressed, didn't eat, didn't allow anyone near her. He even pecked out the nails of a doctor because he needed to change the bandages that Wilbur himself had sloppily tried to put on her.

He always rested on her chest, under her arm, or even on her inter thigh trying to find a heart beat. That was the only thing keeping him sort of sane.

Truthfully, when Y/N woke up and saw that Wilbur was sleeping. It was the first time Wilbur had slept during the duration of the whole time Y/N had been out. Those scratches on the wall had been from him trying to pass the time while waiting for Y/N to wake up.


Whenever someone even tried to hurt his friend Wilbur went somewhat berserk. He didn't want to feel that sadness again.

That rage.

That hurt.

That...feeling as if he was dead.

It was those feelings that he felt when his family was killed, when he was kidnapped, when Y/N had been shoved into coma. And it was those feelings he felt whenever Y/N was hurt.

The owl cat felt that whenever Y/N was hurt.

He felt as if he was losing it, but the girl's presence calmed him for the moment. In his mind he knew she was strong and knew that she could handle herself quite well. But still, the animal winced whenever the female was hurt.

Being young, Wilbur had developed the bond with Y/N like a bond that would form between a mother and her child.

Wilbur saw Y/N as his best friend and protector at the same time, along with as his mother. She fed him, comforted him, and even protected him when he protected her.

"Wilbur! Snap out of it!" Once more, Y/N has spotted even more bounty hunters coming for her head. But.

She caught her animal lagging behind whenever she called him. The owls grip around her neck had become somewhat tight.

After all, she had super strength but wasn't immortal. She could die if she wasn't careful, she was human after all. A thought that plagued the animals mind every day.

"Chirp'?" "Hey bud, if you might be confused then I'ma just say your grip is getting a bit to grippy you get? Mind loosening up?" Y/N laughed as she turned a corner hitting a rock with her foot and shooting it behind her and shooting it at anyone behind her.

But another wave of bullets began to shoot at her as she swiftly avoided the metal projectiles.

Soon enough, after a minute or so of being chased and ran after. She heard a cold voice speak from close by. "Room."

Almost stopping her in her tracks and lodging her head into the soil. Y/N turned her body as Wilbur fell of her shoulder and flew in place.

Why had she stopped run? Well after the bullets were stopped she had been switched closer to the man and his crew. But after the first wave of bullets, another came.

When the bounty hunters died, more came. And so did the bullets, oh so many bullets.

So many bullets that.

A bullet managed to slip past the barrier and made it's way towards the girl's heart.


She couldn't move, speak, or teleport. She hadn't even seen the bullet slip past her view. But someone else did.


His wings flapped as he tried to come closer and closer to his friend. Remembering what had happen the last time something like this happen.




And then a small body hit the ground.

Ⓒ︎ Weird__Weebo
All rights reserved

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