Football Fight + IMPORTANT A/N

Start from the beginning

"Can we continue to play now?" Billie complained, glaring at Y/n. The two pulled away and Y/n put her helmet and gloves on as well as her boots. 


Sarah was normally the Quarterback and Y/n would make runs but now that Billie was here and she was a defensive player, Y/n could try out everything in the book, she did her stretches first and once she was ready, she got into position and Sarah said 'Hut' for her to start, Y/n faked going left and faced her back to Billie going to go right but then rushed left, turning back. Billie was close to her but Sarah threw it and Y/n leaped forward, her left hand catching the ball and when she landed. Making a catch, she stopped Billie from falling and threw the ball to Sarah,

"Billie, you okay?" Y/n asked trying to sound like she cared and it sounded like she did when in reality, she couldn't give two fucks. However, Billie quickly shoved Y/n back and away from her.

"Yes, and I don't need you to stop me from things." Billie angrily told her. Sarah pushed Billie back,

"Billie, calm down!" Sarah exclaimed,

"Of course you take her side. Again." Billie sighed out, both Y/n and Sarah glance at one another. Y/n got back into position and ran a slant to which made her fall back and Y/n caught the ball freely; Olivia arrived and when she saw that she put a hand out to help the girl on the floor up. She saw Y/n get tackled to the ground, her helmet falling off before she took two punches, Y/n kicked Billie off and tackled her to the ground, landing multiple hits to her body and 2 to her face before she pulled her gloves off and chucked them as Billie pushed her off,

"Calm down!" Sarah exclaimed, trying to move in front of the two but they both tried to attack one another.

"No! If your jealous, just tell me that!" Y/n exclaimed, a small smile on her face. Billie slapped her and pushed her back.

"She is my friend! You are the one that decided to leave her!" Billie angrily exclaimed to which Y/n sighed at and looked up at Billie.

"You don't know anything about me and Sarah! Plus, if you truly cared about her, you'd know that me and her are just friends!" Y/n explained to her, "I have a girlfriend!" she added to which Billie rolled her eyes at.

"I've heard it all before!" Billie exclaimed, Y/n wiped her lip before she looked back at Billie and sent a right hook that connected with her cheek making her fall to the ground, Y/n went to go for more but both Sarah and Olivia stopped her.

"Y/n, stop! Stop it! You're done!" Sarah shouted in her face, before she completely changed and spoke in a much softer tone, "You're done. You proved your point." Sarah told her before she turned to Olivia, "Fix her hand for me." Sarah sighed out before she turned to Billie, grabbing her t-shirt and pulling her up to her feet as she began to drag her to the other side of the field.

"What the hell happened, love?" Olivia asked in a soft tone but Y/n turned to her, a single tear fell down her cheek,

"Is she mad at me?" Y/n asked worriedly, Olivia pulled her in for a tight hug and comforted her. 

"Shh, it's okay. It's not your fault. She started it." Olivia assured her as Y/n began to cry in her arms. Olivia directed her over to the car as she always had something in case anything happened. She started to fix Y/n up and help with the few cuts she had on her face. "I'm sorry..." Olivia breathed out.

"No, it's fine. Honestly." Y/n dismissed before letting out a sigh, "Hopefully she's not mad at me—"

"I'm not mad, Y/n." Sarah dismissed, her voice light and soft as she placed a hand on her shoulder and rested her head on Y/n's shoulder. "I'm sorry that she caused the whole fight, I don't really know what's going on with her." 

"It's fine. Just as long as you are okay." Y/n wished to which Sarah nodded her head, as she watched Olivia help her out.

"Thanks for helping our girl out." Sarah thanked Olivia which made her giggle,

"I don't share." Olivia stated, glancing at Sarah who's smile immediately drained from her face.

"Okay!" Y/n cut in, looking between the two. Who were simply smiling up at her, she let out a small scoff and sighed. "How about after this... we—we all get something to drink?" Y/n suggested,

"Sure. Why not." Sarah agreed,

"I'm up for that." Olivia hummed out.

The three of them all talked and when Y/n went to get her stuff, she saw Billie waiting for her. She stopped and stared her down before she marched over.


"Shut up." Y/n stated before she punched Billie in the face and kicking her to the ground to which Sarah pushed her to the side and stopped her.

"I ask for one thing! Get your stuff! So, do that and let's go!" Sarah exclaimed as she kept moving in Y/n's way. Which stopped Y/n from getting to Billie. She grabbed her stuff and walked off to her car. Sarah glared at Billie and walked away toward Y/n and Olivia.


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