The Imaginary Number District

Start from the beginning

"You of all people should know that not all myths are just myths. The Imaginary Number District is a pocket dimension that exists in the same place as Academy City's physical location, it is comprised of the personal Realities of all the espers in the city. Yours, Misaka's, everyone's." said Hyouka. "The denizens of this place are completely unaware of their origins, or the true world outside this dimension."

"Well, at least it doesn't look as gloomy as the Null Void." said Ben. "Or as big..that would be a hassle."

"Null Void?" said Hyouka with a confused expression.

"Long story." said Ben. "But.. what's with you? Why are you here?"

"Many reasons.." said Hyouka. "But none completely pleasant or horrible."

Ben frowned. He knew Hyouka was shy, but she had never struck him as a mysterious mystic or something. And seriously, how did she get here, and how did HE get here as a matter of fact? The last thing he remembered, he was being absorbed into the bark of some giant monster 50 times the size of Godzilla.

"This is too strange.." Ben muttered.

"Is it Tennyson?"

Ben and Hyouka looked up with startled expressions as a massive purple eye opened up on a nearby skyscraper.

"That eye.." Ben muttered. "I know that eye...Ghostfreak?"

"I never answered by that presumptuous name you have always called me.." The whispering phantasmic voice said, as the eye blinked. "I am Zs'Skayr.. and it seems the strange phenomenon is a result of this Highbreed weapon being connected to this dimension.. it appears the Highbreed initialized it as a countermeasure against Aleister Crowley should he attempt to destroy the creature.."

This dimension, is connected to that monster right now?" Ben muttered.

"Oh yes.. and the unique properties of this world.. have a certain wonderful effect on my consciousness trapped within the Omnitrix.." said Zs'Skayr. "OBSERVE!!!"

Suddenly a ginormous pool of darkness opened up under Ben's feet, and he began sinking into it as multiple grimey hands slid out and started pulling him in.

"NO!!!" Ben roared as Hyouka ran off in terror.

There was a flash of green light, and AmpFibian flew out of the darkness, and hurled a powerful lightning bolt at the eye. The eye disappeared, and a massive explosive gash was carved in the building by AmpFibian's attack.

Zs'Skayr's high cold laughter radiated throughout the entire dimension as shadows radiated all over the sky scrapers, turning the place twisted as shadowy clawed hands reached out from all over and attempted to tear AmpFibian apart as he flew between the buildings.

"It's no use Tennyson!!" Zs'Skayr cried out. "The longer you stay here.. the more control I obtain... I am absorbing the essence from both the Highbreed's creature and this world.. and as a result.. both Venice and Academy City will soon be mine to destroy and remake in my image!!"

"Seriously... how many of my old enemies are just coming back this year!?" AmpFibian yelled as he dodged another shadowy hand.

AmpFibian was suddenly slammed into the street by one giant shadow hand.. slowly he began to sink into the shadowy darkness.

"Goodbye Tennyson.." said Zs'Skayr's voice. I remember watching from the Omnitrix.. how you struggled against Academy City's darkness.. how funny in the end.. it was the darkness in your own wrist that eventually consumed you.. hahahahaha!!


Mikoto, Touma, and Aiko approached the massive tree monster in the helicopter. Luckily, it appeared Aiko had plenty of experience navigating air vehicles, even having her own pilot's license (age restrictions on pilots were lax in Academy City.

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix: Book 3, Magical WarfareWhere stories live. Discover now