Chapter 17 (New members for this council!)

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To whoever is reading this,

Things have gotten... interesting... remember that flip phone I got at the Destroyer? Yeah me neither. Apparently 4 new (Y/N)'s have been added to the mix... each being weirder than before...

-Signed (Y/N)


Location: -{Pocket Dimension}-

(Y/N) #2: Before we begin our banter, I just wanted to say one thing... WHO THE HELL ARE THOSE GUYS!

Mage hero (Y/N) said, pointing towards 5 other, never before seen (Y/N)'s. I'm just gonna classify them as #6-#10 (Y/N)'s from now on just to be easier.

(Y/N) #1: Yeah, I guess they should tell us who they are... but because of how you 4 are all me, I guess they too are.

(Y/N) #4: Yeah, I say we should just let them speak up...

(Y/N) #6: Alright, I'll introduce myself first.

The rather normal-looking (Y/N) in his school clothes spoke up.

(Y/N) #6: I'm (Y/N), an average high schooler who was way too early for his class... the class I was in, however... developed a rumour... you see, around 2 years ago... an entire class filled with students sorta... disappeared. 

(Y/N) #4: Yeah I remember that...

(Y/N) #2: Nothing really happened there, to be honest...

(Y/N) #3: I have never actually been to school before as I just like... transferred?

(Y/N) #1: I guess that means...

(Y/N) #6: Okay okay... so... I was in my class, doodling stuff when all of a sudden, a truck came smashing into the classroom... when I woke up... God sorta just... like... profusely said sorry to me and that to be compensated, he is going to reincarnate me into another world... only problem being is that uh... everyone else took all the skills... so obviously I was pissed off but then he gave me some buffs like... being fast and good luck... and that's about it!

(Y/N) #7: Guess it's my time to chime in!

A slightly younger version of me said in a... weird looking school outfit if I had to be honest and a smell which doesn't even remotely remind me of human.

(Y/N) #1: Yeah, I really need an explanation of who you are. 

(Y/N) #7: Alright so where do I start? Ah yes! So I was by the port looking out at sea because my new friends wanted to hang out at sea.

(Y/N) #4: Since when did I get friends?

(Y/N) #1: He doesn't seem like one of us...

(Y/N) #3: He's a different (Y/N), relax!

(Y/N) #2: Alright... continue...

(Y/N) #7: Yeah, anyways, I was exploring a nearby abandoned shipping vessel of which was said to be haunted. When I went into it, I saw nothing. At all. That's when a truck slammed the ship and then I found myself in an entirely different world. Two moons in the sky, the trees were jagged, dangers everywhere and all and all, a spooky place. That's when a demon-like entity came in to kill me, but then I was saved by... her... him... it? Doesn't matter... a cat butler went and saved my hide. Apparently, I was in the realm of the demons! And that's all I would want to say... right now.

(Y/N) #2: Hah? What! Do you have something to hide?

(Y/N) #4: Leave him alone on this!

(Y/N) #2: Shut up imperialist. 

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