Chapter 35: Seriously, They Act Like a Married Couple

Start from the beginning

"If you're tired we can go to bed."

"No, I'm fine, unless you're tired."

"I'm good, I want to continue talking."

Virgil smiled. "Alright, but first I gotta move cause laying my wings is starting to hurt. Sorry Darrell."

He picked up the fox and moved him, who yipped in protest. Once the fairy was on his side, he grabbed Darrell again and pulled him in like he was a stuffed animal. The fox quietly chirped as if grumbling, but he snuggled in Virgil's arms, making Roman laugh.

"He's as dramatic as me," the witch said.

"I wonder why." Virgil's voice was sarcastic as he looked over at Roman with a smirk.

Roman stuck his tongue out at him, making him laugh lightly. He took the fairy's hand and held on as they continued to talk late into the night. Eventually sleep overtook them before either could move to a different bed.


Breathing in deeply, Roman woke up peacefully. His eyes fluttered open and landed on Virgil, who was still in a deep sleep. He hugged the blanket, which had replaced Darrell's spot who was nowhere to be seen.

The witch couldn't help but smile as he watched the other sleep. His wing twitched for a moment before relaxing, he breathed through his slightly parted lips and his hair fell in front of his eyes. He was so peaceful... so beautiful... Roman could lay here forever. He let himself feel the love he had for Virgil now that he was asleep, it had been hard repressing the feeling but so far the fairy seemed oblivious.

He was just so amazing, he was talented, strong, and so much fun to be around. Roman wanted to be with him forever, even if only as friends. Though he wished for more, he really did. He wondered if Virgil could ever feel the same way for him. For now though, he'll figure out a way to get rid of his crush.

Roman pushed himself up, immediately spotting Darrell who was laying on his back at the end of the bed. The witch had to keep himself from laughing when he saw the fox's feet twitch as if he was running in his dream. As slowly as possible, he climbed out of the bed, though it still woke Darrell and Virgil stirred in his sleep. Curse heightened sense!

Darrell rolled onto his stomach, looking up at Roman and blinking. Roman put his finger to his mouth and made a small shushing sound, looking over to Virgil. The fox seemed to understand and jumped off of the bed, stretching as the witch moved to the door. The fox chased after him as he made his way to the kitchen.

"What should we make Virgil for breakfast?" he asked the fox.

Darrell ran towards the kitchen and yipped while looking at the cabinet with the cooling slab on it.

"I'd have to ask him if he's okay with eating eggs. I know some pescatarians eat eggs and dairy but I want to be sure."

Darrell barked something and Roman smiled.

"That's true, he did drink milk last time he slept over. Okay, but we'll have to be ready to make something else in case he doesn't want eggs. Ooh, toast! That way he can have toast with eggs if he wants, or just toast!"

Darrell spun around with another yip, heading over to a cabinet as Roman opened it with his magic. He pulled out a pan by the handle, though he struggled to lift it and it fell to the floor with a loud clunk.

Roman laughed and picked it up before grabbing ingredients from other cabinets. He cut up some onions, peppers, mushrooms, and some herbs before cracking open and mixing some eggs. He scraped the cut up vegetables into the bowl of eggs before grabbing a cheese block and grating it in.

He set the wood under the stove on fire and waited as it started to heat up the metal top. He let the back of his hand hover over the top to see if it was hot, throwing some scrap mushrooms to Darrell who caught them in his mouth as if it was a game.

When it was hot enough he put the pan onto the stove, but grabbed more items before he poured the egg mixture. He grabbed two plates and a bowl for Darrell, the bread and the butter.

Roman poured the egg mixture into the pan, grabbing a spatula and folding the egg into an omelets. After a few moments, he flipped it and let it simmer. Then he slid it onto a plate and repeated it two more times, putting one of the omelets into the bowl.

He spread some butter on the bread before putting it on the pan, letting it toast. He flipped it when he was satisfied then did the same for three other slices, listening to the butter simmer and not hearing the footsteps behind him.

When he turned to put the last piece of toast onto the plate, he jumped at the sight of Virgil who leaned against the opposite side of the counter as he watched with a smile.

"Stars, I didn't even hear you!" Roman exclaimed.

"I certainly heard you, even from the bedroom," Virgil replied, though he didn't seem all that upset.

"Sorry, I hope we didn't wake up." The witch set the last piece of toast down before returning the pan onto the stove. He opened the hatch where the fire burned and closed his fist, the fire sizzling out thanks to magic.

"Nah, I was waking up anyway. Sorry for falling asleep in your bed... again."

Roman fought to keep the blush and flustered feelings down. "I don't mind. Also I hope you like eggs, cause I made omelets. You don't have to eat it if you don't like eggs though."

"I'm fine with them, thank you." Virgil reached over and grabbed a plate as Roman moved the butter and some silverware over to that side of the counter.

"I'm glad, it was Darrell's idea actually. I was going to make pancakes or something since I haven't had them in forever, but then again this little guy can't eat too much grain," Roman explained as he grabbed his own plate and Darrell's bowl. He set the bowl on the ground before grabbing the chair next to Virgil, who was sitting in a different one.

"Poor boy is missing out. But it's better that way than him getting sick."

Darrell barked at them before going back to his food, making Roman laugh. "He says differently."

"Good thing he can't cook or get into the food then." Virgil cut up his omelet and a piece of toast, putting the two together before taking a bite. "Damn, you're a good cook. Kinda wish you lived with me so I can eat your food all the time."

Roman laughed awkwardly. "Thanks I guess? I've had time to perfect it."

Virgil looked over at him in confusion. For a moment he could have sworn he felt that familiar pink feeling come from the witch, or maybe it was just his imagination? It had to be that, he did just wake up after all. Yeah, that's probably what it was.

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