The rest of the shower could wait. Riley's breathing became more erratic, which told me she was getting closer. I had started picking up on some of her body cues like they were my own. She would begin to pant wildly for me and then hold her breath for a few seconds every time I edged her over.

"You know we need to hurry."  Riley slapped my hand away before I could get her there.

I was disappointed she made me stop.

She was right, but it didn't change my frustration level with the situation. JD could already be back and he would lose his shit if he found us together. He probably wouldn't even let me get dressed before my naked ass was out on the curb. Only the threat of being homeless if we got caught brought me back down to reality.

I eased up on her reluctantly and Riley stepped out of the way to let me get to the water. I faced the wall to saturate my body and head to try to dull my senses. If I pretended like she wasn't in here with me, then maybe I could finish taking a shower without losing my mind or the place where I lived.

When I turned around to grab the shampoo bottle, Riley already had it in her hand with a smile on her face.

"I don't think I can reach." She scrunched her nose at me.

There was no way she would let me ignore her without putting up a fight.

"That's ok. I'd rather you take care of the lower parts." I grinned back.

Like always, her head went straight down to my cock. It was already half-hard and rebounding at a record pace.

I grabbed the shampoo from Riley and she bent down for the sponge resting between my feet. My filthy mind was hoping she would use her mouth again while she was down there. Riley popped back up, much to my disappointment, and started reapplying soap to the sponge.

She started washing me innocently enough. The pressure she put against my skin was the perfect amount of soft and firm. It felt terrific to have someone take care of me the way she did.

It felt even better when that certain someone began playing with my dick under the water.

"You're such a hypocrite. We better get out before we get caught." I smiled in complete awe of her.

She pouted and nodded in agreement at the same time.

If I weren't entirely under her spell already, the shower would have sealed the deal. It was hard to force myself to turn off the water and end the fun.

After we got out of the shower, I dried my body and attempted to help Riley towel off. Her hair was damp and kept dripping as soon as I would wipe the drops off her back. I swore under my breath at the impossible task. No wonder it took girls forever to get ready. 

I pulled on a pair of black boxer briefs and then covered them with my jeans. My shirt came next and was over my head quickly.  I ran my fingers through my damp hair to push it into place and then brushed my teeth. Within a few minutes, I was finished and ready.

When I looked back to see how Riley was doing, I caught her in the middle of struggling to get the tight pants that Anna let her borrow up over her bare ass. I guess she decided to go commando.  I didn't mind one bit that she was, except for the fact that anyone who stared at her ass in those skin-tight pants would know there was nothing underneath. 

My mood began freefalling the second I realized I was going to have to watch every guy, including Aiden, stare at her ass all night and there was not one damn thing I could do about it.

She picked up the torture device that Anna called a shirt and straightened the small fabric over her bare chest.  She looked back expectantly at me from over her shoulder and lifted her hair.

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