"What's wrong Ichinose? You don't look good."

It seems that she ignored me and continued staring at the hair clip, but after 15 or so seconds she replied.

"...Nothing." There is definitely something and it has to be huge.
Ichinose walks out of the shop without saying anything more than that.

"I will buy two of this one." The clerk nodded and after 1 minutes I finished my shopping and went out of the shop. The money I spent on these hair clips can not be shrugged off easily, It was 10,000 pps for each. I hope those points will be worth it. I tried to catch up to Ichinose and succeeded as she was a couple meters away from me now.

"Ichinose." I said that and turn up to her side. She was suprised to see me.


"You looked sad in the shop earlier. Is everything fine?"

"You were the one who asked me in the shop?! I am really sorry I ignored you!"

"No problem. By the way it is not that late, do you want to go to the cafe with me?"

"Uh? That is alright with me." She agreed looking flustered. We then go to the cafe and it was crowded with senpais.

"Lets go somewhere else." I said while Ichinose didn't look concerned about that. She looks self-conscious around me as we walk side to side. I purposely stared at her with a smile on my face and she noticing that she asked rather nervously

"W-what's wrong Ayanokouji?"


We walked to another cafe which was way less crowded.
We sat down there and started talking about random things. After our drinks arived both of us fell silent. Ichinose staring at her caffelatte asked me a question.

"Do you have something you regret Ayanokouji?" I don't 'regret' anything. But I have some similar feelings to regret.

"I regret not being able to meet my mother."

"Huh? You don't know her?"

"Unfortunately yes. I don't know the face of my mother."

"That is really sad." She looked genuinely touched. Then Ichinose opened her mouth to talk...

"My mother is hard worker she raised me and my sister with her own. I love her so much that I don't mind being expelled to be with her." Now I am witnessing child to parent love, it is really as described in the books. Will I ever be able to say something similar? Not now anyways.

"I hope all the good for your mother." She was confused for a second but afterwards she said

"Thank you." Perphaps the thing which confused her is my classic wish for her mother. This kind of classic wishes are not common afterall. I then take out the hair clip I bought earlier and present it to her.

"Ichinose this is for you." She was suprised to see what I presented to her and shouted

"Ayanokoji?! Why did you buy that?!"

"I thought you like it. My bad..." I said looking disappointed and innocent. It seems she felt bad.

"I-i am sorry  Ayanokouji. I did'nt mean to shout at you."

"Its okay. So? Why don't you accept my present as I accepted your apology."

"Thats so fair."she said, giggling. She then accepted my present.

"Try it now I want to see how what Ichinose would look with that hair clip. "

"Sure." After seconds  she finished putting the hair clip on her hair.

'Wow, you look intelligent.' That's what I would say if you were a white room student. But here the only praise that are acceptable are 'cute', 'gorgeous', 'beautiful'etc..
But why not try this praise here? Lets see how it will turn out.

"You look intelligent Ichinose."

"Hm? What did you just say?" That is not the worst reaction I expected  but still this is bad.

"Uhh... I said that you look intelligent with those hair clips." She laughed at me loudly.

"...Haha I can't  believe you said that.. huhuhu..."

"In the countryside that's the highest form of praise second to 'You raised good crops'."
It seems that my statement made her to laugh more unconsciously. After she calmed down she asked me

"Are you from the countryside Ayanokouji?"

"Yes I am."

"It must be nice there..." she looked like she was thinking about that seriously.

"Yeah it is very nice. You should try going there."

"Maybe after we graduated." She giggled.

Now, the time is pretty late we both didn't  notice it because of our talk.

"It became pretty late hasn't it? I guess we should get going." After she saw the time on the cafe clock she was suprised.

"Whah, You are right we should get going." We then walk to the dormitories together and after we reached our different turning points we bid farewell to each other but those weren't the last words we exchanged.

"Thank you Ayanokouji. You helped me more than you think."

"If so, I accept your thanks more than you think." I said showing her the smile she saw when we were at the cafe. She giggled at my statement and walked to her way.

"Isn't it the time you come, Sakura." Sakura comes out of her hiding spot with disgruntled face.

"How did you find out?" She asked but before I answer her it seems that she found out her self.

"That fucking plate!" It was a plate indicating which floor this is and It reflects images.

"Anyway why did you follow me?"

"I just happened to see you two and followed you. I was curious what kind of shit you would do to her."

"But I didn't do anything bad."

"It seems so." She then narrowed her eyes and said...

"You are a fucking Lizard you know? You act so innocent with her but a serial killer is more innocent than you!"

That's an exaggeration. I know that I am far from innocent but still I am just doing what I have to right?

"Okay that's enough for today. You should study for the midterms. Oh, I have a good idea, why won't we make a bet?"

"What bet?"

"If you get 80 or above that on 4 subjects I will give you 100k points."

"... Really?"

"Yes." She then narrowed her eyes more than before.

"And what if I lose the bet?"

"You will give me 1000 pps."

"Just 1000?"

"Yes. I recommend you choose your best subjects and get enough sleep. I can help you study if you want. You have many options."

"But... Why do this I thought logic flowed through your blood. Did that girl make you drunk with love?" She said smirking.

The reason why I am doing this is level you up from being a subject to a puppet in simple words. You are mere stone to hit birds right now but I need you to be an arrow to hit rabbits.
(Who are the birds? What about the rabbits.)

"That is not the reason. I just want to test you."

"If that's the case... I will make you cry for those points."

"I look forward for it."

(If you guys have questions on the plot ask on the comments section. I won't tell you about how Ayanokouji got a recording of chairman sakayanagi's talk. It isn't so hard to guess so guess, guess, guess, guess, guess and guess.)

No one knows ayanokoji's past.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora