~ Epilouge ~

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~ 9 years later ~

Dear Papa,
It's me, Y/N. I want to wish you an amazing Christmas, I wish I was there, but I got held back for a small robbery crime. But I can't wait to see you. Me, Tamaki, and Ivory are waiting for the right time to head over there, I do hope your taking care of yourself. No straining your back and overdoing your body. I miss you and thank you for supporting, taking care of me. It still surprises me how you were able to do all that, all alone. Mama would be super proud.
Love, Y/N

Your father closed the letter, taking a deep breath in and exhaling out. He was sitting in a comforter chair, watching old family videos. Your smiling face, your mother's smiling face and him recording behind the camera. It was Christmas Day, and you were going berserk over the gifts under the tree. You unwrapped all the ones under your name, a reaction coming each time. Your eyes sparkled even brighter than ever, each year, each gift, you would squeal. It makes him super happy that now you get to have those moments with a child of your own, with your husband.

The robbery was a bad one at that, the entire bank being stolen from its money. Heroes luckily caught the scamps behind it but couldn't find the money. Everyone believed that they worked for a more powerful villain, they probably had the money. Heroes were working day and night, but it also meant some had to work Christmas. You had always been good at solving these types of mysteries, escape rooms were your specialty. You discovered most of the clues and leads that could tie with the villain, you had Christmas Day booked for work. You and your family wouldn't be able to unravel gifts on that special day, but you would all open them over at your father's home, he's been begging to see his granddaughter.

You tried to work through the case as fast as you could but still reviving and giving information that was correct. You couldn't give false evidence just for the gifts, but you tried to give as much as you had found. Tough life of a pro hero...

"You have everything Ivory?"

"Yea!" the five-year old said joyfully

"You ready to see grandpa, hm?"

"Mhm! I can't wait to show him the dolly I got!"

"But do you have his present?"

"Yep, it's uh...I don't know where it is, do you know where it is?" She asked, her big eyes looking up at you.

You brushed a hand through her hair, kissing the crown of her head.

"It's in the trunk of the car"

"Yay!" She clapped.

You smiled, closing the backseat door. You opened the passenger door, sliding down in the seat.

"You ready sunshine?"

"More than ready"


Tamaki started the car's ignition, driving out of your family's driveway. It was a 30-minute drive from your house to your father's, after marrying Tamaki, you both moved to a larger house in Tokyo. Ivory played in the backseat with her doll and elephant stuffy, her pigtails bouncing up and down. The drive was calm, and the sky was even more beautiful than ever.

To recap a bit, you have been a hero for 9 years and you have moved up to the top 20. Deku was number one, much to your surprise and Dynamight was number three. You could feel the rage from Bakugo's soul when you went to the celebration, what a party pooper he was. Man's only stayed for an hour at the party before escaping with Red Riot, now there isn't much to think about, but you can already guess where they went off to. They were adorable, but Ivory was much cuter.

Ever since Ivory came apart of you and Tamaki's life, it's never been a bore. The young girl always had a very loud personality when she was with the people, she knew but in public, she was a shy bean. When you introduced her to Nejire and Eri, they had made a promise to one another that they would spoil the living out of her, toys galore and clothes that would forever fill her closet. Midoriya loved to show her a bunch of All Might figures he still had whenever you visited and tell her stories about his years at U.A.

The same went for when you visited Bakugo, which was very rare because you were "extras". But you knew he's changed his ways since U.A. so you only came once in a while because you sure as hell weren't going to deal with his attitude. He liked to tell Ivory stories about himself, like how brave he was when he got kidnapped even though you've told him many times not to mention that.

On days when both Kirishima and Bakugo were around, you begged for them to babysit Ivory so you and Tamaki could go out for dates. Bakugo groaned and pouted about it while Kirishima's eyes lit up like he was still a child when they got their favorite toy. Kirishima told you in secret that Bakugo learned how to fix her hair and might have "accidentally" showed her curses. You scolded him real hard after hearing that.

Tamaki pulled up in the familiar street and parked in front of a familiar house.

"Do you mind taking Ivory out from her car seat? I'm going to knock on papa's door"



You unbuckled your seatbelt, getting out of the car. You fixed your pants and shirt, walking up the pathway to your door. You knocked on the door twice, waiting for a response. You heard the door shift and unlocked as your father opened the door. You smiled and waved, eyes feeling up with tears of happiness. You pulled him in a hug, kissing his head.

"Hello papa"

"Hello flower"

You pulled away, your father wiping your tears away.

"Don't cry, your here now, right?"


"Now, where's my grandchild?"

Behind you, the sounds of giggling were heard. You turned to the side as Tamaki came up with a bag in his hand with Ivory sitting on his arm. You grabbed the bag he was holding as he placed Ivory down on the ground. She immediately went for her grandfather, hugging his legs.

"Hello Ivory" he said, waving his hand down at her

"Hi grandpa!" She said, your father moved to the side letting the young girl run through the door.

You and your husband walked through the door of the house where you shared your first kiss, now walking in to make a new memory that will last forever...a new butterfly has come out of the cocoon and was ready for flight and her name was Ivory Amajiki.

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