~ Chapter Two: Let's Start This Simple ~

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"Life isn't about finding yourself. It's about creating yourself." - George Bernard Shaw

Song: all the kids are depressed - Jeremy Zucker

You made it home from school happy and giddy as usual, you dropped your backpack entering your room and quickly headed to the bathroom. You stripped yourself from your sweaty uniform and took a refreshing shower, you were going to do some homework afterwards and try to make some food for when your father would arrive home.

You planned your list in your head as you washed your body off. When you finished, you wrapped yourself in a towel, leaving the bathroom and walking towards your closet to grab some comfy clothes. You got yourself dried off and changed, now knowing it was time for the tricky part, cooking.

You've read many magazines, books, articles, cooking books at that for the best and simplest way of making meals. Each attempt seeming to be worse than the other, you don't know if it's something with you or the fact that maybe you weren't made for cooking. Whatever it was, you were going to expand and learn. You'll practice for many minutes, hours, days, months, or years until you can make some meal that will be amazing.

You wiped some of the sweat from your forehead as you took a step back to get a better look of the dish you tried to re-create. You looked up a simple recipe for Takoyaki and followed the steps exactly. Feeling proud of your first ever not burned meal, you grabbed your phone checking the time before covering the Takoyaki with a lid. Walking towards your room, you planned to finish the little homework you had left and check U.A.'s site for any information about the entrance exams and when they would be available to take. You've studied many books and paid very close attention in class so you would hope to pass the written portion of the exams. Your dad did so you probably could too, he's always inspired you to try your best no matter what. You reached down inside your backpack taking out your supplies to begin homework, it was just some English work that you hadn't been able to finish during class, so it was pretty easy. With a sigh you began working until your father came home from work.

"Flower, get up." You heard from your ear; your body being lightly nudged on your shoulder. Your eyes slowly started opening, taking in the bright light from the lamp sitting on the corner of your desk.

"W-what happened?" You yawned, sitting straight and stretching your body to rub the sleep from your body.

"When I came home, I found you snoozing all over your papers." Your father said, standing at full length from having been slightly bent over to wake you up.


Finally remembering the decent looking Takoyaki you left out. You got up from your desk, scrambling to get to the kitchen. You took off the lid that was sitting overtop of the food, seeing your once masterpiece become a big mush of food, made you cringe with displeasure.

"Oh no.." You groaned setting the lid on the counter. You rested both hands on the edge of the countertop and let out a tired sigh.

"What is that?" Your father asked from behind you.

"I- *sigh* It was some Takoyaki I made for you, I guess I should've put it in the fridge but I forgot about it and now it's. just. mush." You replied, grabbing the plate of Takoyaki and throwing it away. You washed the dishes and put them in their specific cupboards, turning back to your father.

"I just wanted to make you something to eat when you came home from work so you could relax and eat peacefully. I'm sorry it didn't come out how it was supposed to." You said looking down at your hands.

"Awe, it's alright flower. Thank you for being so considerate but you don't have to worry about it. You'll get the hang of it soon enough." Your father said pulling you into a big hug.

You wrapped your arms around him and thanked him for reassuring you. As you both pulled away, you composed yourself and gave him the best smile you could.


"What is it papa?"

"I was thinking about what you told me this morning; about becoming a hero and I thought that maybe I could help you prepare for when you take the exams, I'll train you."

"REALLY?! Oh, thank you so much papa!" You exclaimed, wrapping your arms around your father's neck giving him a peck on the cheek.

You were definitely going to need some training if you wanted to pass the physical. You pushed yourself away from your father running to your bedroom. You put all your school stuff away, making sure it was all completed before zipping your backpack close. Your turned around seeing your father at the doorway of the room,

"What did you need papa?" You asked, placing your school bag at the corner of your desk.

"When do you want to begin training? We could start right now if you'd like."

"Yea! We can start today, let me just change into different clothes."

"Alright, I'll be in the living room waiting."

"Got it!"

Your father walked away from your room closing the door behind him. You went to the closet grabbing some looser clothes to wear; blue shorts and a plain black t-shirt with some old shoes you had laying around.

You left your bedroom walking to the living room. Your dad already up from the couch, grabbed his keys and walked to the front door with you following behind. He let you out first and locked the door of your small house before walking down the path that leads from the front door to the sidewalk.

"We have a couple more hours before the sun sets. I'll be taking you to the park so we could begin some training." Your father told you, walking side by side, you nodded and walked down towards the park. You loved the park near your home, it was pretty lonely with the occasional dog walker or couple stopping by.

It was a small piece of land with fields of grass that had benches set for people to sit down and admire. There were many flowers scattered around the park with streetlights that were all connected with small lights giving the park some liveliness during the night.

The smell of the grass, the birds singing a small tune, or the soft chirping of crickets always gave you a fuzzy feeling inside. When your father would take you to the library, you would ask to come by the park. Sitting in the grass reading all there is to know about heroes and butterflies. Your obsession with the fragile creatures always seemed to be there from birth, you were so in love with the different colors and patterns that were imprinted on their wings.

"We're here" Your father said stopping by one of the streetlamps, returning you from your childhood memories of the park.

"We'll start this simple, Y/N?"


"Run around the entire park." Your father said looking down at you.



You staggered but beginning to sprint down the pavement quickly running out of breath with the sudden request of running around the park. Maybe this wasn't the best thing to have agreed to.

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