~ Chapter Fourteen: Sports Festival, The Race Against Me and You ~

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"Act as if what you do makes a difference. IT DOES." - William James

Song: Fool - Cavetown

This is it, the day of the Sports Festival. You were nervous but excited, you loved the festival because each year, your classmates and you were stronger and had more things in store for one another.

Even if this was your last year at U.A. and you won't participate in the festival anymore, maybe you'll be scouted to guard and watch over it, as a Pro Hero. If you didn't know already, your hero name is simple but fits with your quirk and what it does.

The Sunny Hero: Solar

If we're going by honesty here, Tamaki was actually the one who suggested it, he helped you when you were picking out hero names in your first year. His was Suneater which you loved so, so, so, soooo much!

It was so perfect, so original! But there could have been someone else who had that same hero name too, but it doesn't matter. What does matter is the fact that you have to go against him and Nejire and Mirio today at the Sports Festival. Each year, Midnight has different games for the Sports Festival, none of you knows what you're going to be doing.

One person you were looking forward to demolishing was Mr. Kiro. He is a stuck-up loser, who calls you Little Sunlight and expects everyone to follow him. You finally got the name of the first year in Class 1-B who acts exactly like him, Neito Monoma. They act so much alike that you believe that they could pass by as siblings.

Kiro had a plain complexion to say the least, he had brown hair that faded down to blue at the bottom. He had brown eyes, light and fair skin and a shit personality. His quirk was also pretty boring but powerful now that he knows how to use it, Wind and Water. Terrible name for a quirk, he can control wind and water. That's it, but he does have good technique and his super moves are most definitely super.

It was show time. Your entire class got into the U.A. pe clothes and went to sit at the bleachers. The feisty first years were going to go first, then the second years and finally the third years.

You all watched and cheered as the first and second years went. When it was finally your turn, you were nervous because you haven't seen anyone's quirk at full, full, full power. The first challenge was the obstacle race. All the students gathered around at the gate that led out where the race was going to be. They opened the doors, everyone scrambling and pushing to get out.

You used your quirk to shine as much light from your body, blinding all your opponents, you took the chance to propel yourself through the crowd having rays shoot from the sole of your shoe, giving you an advantage against them. From the outside of the tunnel, all that could be seen was light that slowly peeked out.

You jumped back onto your feet running as fast as you could. You could tell some people were already running behind you, that attack was only just to give you a small head start.

The goal was to avoid and pass all the obstacles as you all ran around the entire stadium. Your feet came to a stop seeing the same robots from the entrance exams, you had an idea of how to take them out, but it would also take enough energy from you that when running, you wouldn't be going that fast.

You dodged each attack, jumping on the arm of one of the robots. You flipped off of it, shooting a ray to the head. You created two pistols with your radiation, pointing and shooting at the giant robots. The bullets were small sun rays, but they were enough to distract and push them away, giving you enough time to run out.

You de-activated your quirk, standing on top of one of the robot's limbs. You saw in the distance more contestants running ahead, you quickly jumped off, running at full speed. The exhaustion you were feeling wasn't helping when you were running, you felt like passing out.

'If only I had my hero suit on' you thought, you releasing your own body heat makes you heat up and causes not so great headaches.

You continued pushing through, making it to the second obstacle, The Fall. A giant canyon stood in front of you, you wiped the sweat from your head. You took a couple steps back, more students running ahead, you stepped far enough before running out towards the deep hole below.

"WOAH! L/N TAKING THE LEAP OF FAITH FOLKS, YA HOO!" Present Mic shouts, a screen showing you jumping out. Cheers and gasps of shock go out in waves through the stadium as they watch you shot more rays of light from your hands and feet, doing Bakugo's classic move.

"Hopefully they don't get hurt" Mina said, worryingly looking at the screen ahead.

"Nah! They're a third year, they can make it!" Kirishima shouted, throwing his fist up

"I mean, remember when they were there at the training when Bakugo completely blew a fuse? They were really smart and pretty much exposed all of us" Kaminari said, putting his hands behind his head, leaning into his seat.

"They'll probably not win first place in the obstacle race, but maybe in the calvary battle or the fighting tournament." Sero said, putting a finger on his chin.

Back to you, you finally made it over the canyon in one move, you rolled over when you reached the floor, standing quickly to start running again. Only one more obstacle and it will be over, you saw everyone struggling with the mine field while a couple were passing over with ease. In the distance you saw Nejire, Mirio and Tamaki. They were using their quirks to get across which made you even more behind now knowing they were way ahead.

You stepped onto the field, slowing taking jumps from one end to the other, in a zig zag motion. You jumped up high, rays coming from your feet, shooting you straight to the sky. You radiated some body heat, creating two lassos. You gripped them, swinging them around before throwing them ahead. Your body started falling down and you caught yourself with some light pushing yourself closer. You latched onto two other students, pulling them down as your feet touched the ground but quickly jumping back up.

You extended your arms and legs, your entire body glowing with light as it shuns in the eyes of people below. Everyone tried covering their eyes with their hands, unaware of the ticking mines under their feet. You fell back onto the ground, lifting yourself up and running the rest of the way.

'One step, two step, three step, MADE IT!'

You ran through the tunnel, the bright sun and shouts of people filling your two senses as you walked back inside the stadium.

In the final moment, you made it to 6th place which wasn't too shabby, but it still disappointed you. You made the same place as the quick engine calf kid, Iida. It surprised you how he didn't win first place with him literally being The Flash.

Everyone took a one-hour break after the race; you sit by Tamaki giving him good sport attitude for him winning 4th. You praised him the entire break, drinking the coldest water you could find in the vending machine. Kiro made it all the way down to 15th which made you very proud about yourself. He made a snarky remark about how that was only a joke with him going harder and better at the calvary battle and fighting tournament.

War has been declared.

When Butterflies First FlyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora