~ Chapter Eleven: One More Year To Go ~

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"Believe you can and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt

Song: Corduroy Dreams - Rex Orange County

"I'm beat, that training was intense" You groaned, leaning into the cold touch of your desk.

"Oh, come on it wasn't that bad" Nejire said, hands behind her.

You lifted your head to rest in your arms, giving Nejire a small pout.

"Easy for you to say"

"Awe, don't be so down Y/N"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever" you said, looking away to avoid her eyes.

She let out a giggle, leaving your desk to sit in her own. It's been a lot more months since starting your second year, this was your last day. Your teacher amped up the training so your class would get a sense of what it would feel like when you went to 3-A in a couple of months.

Your body felt sore, tired, and in pain. You overused your quirk a bit too much and you felt like going into a freezing cold refrigerator.

You had taken your finals the day before and the last class of the day was coming to an end. You collected your things, waited for Nejire and Tamaki to finish before you all walked to your lockers. You each grabbed your belongings, waiting outside the door for Mirio.

You all walked together home, Nejire leaving first then Mirio and Tamaki who both go the same way. You waved to them, wishing them a good summer.

You continued to walk the sidewalk heading towards Aldera Junior High. It pretty much became permanent that you and Midoriya walk to and from school together, it did make your arrival home much longer, but you didn't mind. You liked listening as Midoriya rambles about heroes and All Might.

Midoriya has told you that you are one of the few or only true friends he had, you both tried to stay honest with one another. It melted your heart when Midoriya first said he looked up to you as a hero, that's all you ever wanted, someone to look up to you.

You saw him waiting by the gates of his school, writing in his notebook.

"Hey Midoriya, you ready to go?"

He looked up from his writing, blushed in embarrassment quickly muttering apologies after another.

"It's fine little Midori, c'mon now. Let's go home" you said.

You grabbed his hand, dragging him down the street to his house. You asked about the things in his notebook and what new hero he's been fan-boying over.

"It's honestly embarrassing that I'm admitting and sharing things from my notebook. People think it's weird and stupid..." he said, mumbling the last part.

"It isn't stupid, don't ever think that. I'm the same way except it isn't about heroes."

"Really? What is it then?"

"It's about butterflies, butterfly anatomy more specifically"

"Woah, mind telling me a couple things?"

"Not at all, little Midori!"

"Why do you call me that?"

"Oh, cause your pretty small for your age"

"When we agreed on being honest with each other, we didn't have to be that honest." He said, shrinking his head with a pout.

You playfully nudged his shoulder, beginning to tell him all there was to know about your favorite, fragile creatures.

Next year, how would you react when Midoriya actually hid something from you? Breaking the promise, you both made of honesty and truth.

Would you stay friends?
Or become foes?

When Butterflies First FlyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang