~ Chapter Sixteen: Sports Festival, We Fight Until We Fall ~

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"Nothing is impossible. The world itself says 'I'm possible!' - Audrey Hepburn

Song: feelings are fatal - mxmtoon

"Final round, are you excited Bakugo?" Kirishima asked, turning to look at Bakugo.

He let out a 'tch', leaning deeper into his seat. To be honest, he was surprised and impressed by your moves in the obstacle race and the calvary battle, but he didn't show that.

Kirishima scratched behind his head, turning his attention back to the field, seeing the third years come back out.

Midoriya had his eyes on you, he never really saw your quirk in action. This was really fascinating to him, as much as he did feel bad about what he did. He knew he would tell you either way, maybe even tell you about his little secret with All Might. He couldn't. He told All Might he wouldn't say it to anybody, not even you. He didn't want to keep things from you, the promise- at this point, the promise didn't matter. He wanted to tell you, because he trusted you...a lot.

You all came out after your break. Each of you lining up in front of the stage, your attention towards Midnight. None of you were phased by her very revealing outfit, after doing this two times before, each of you got use to her "amazing" choice of attire.

Ayano and Ayato opted out of the final challenge, they felt as though two people against one wasn't fair. And their quirk gave them two more versions of themselves, one couldn't go up and activate their quirk without the other one also getting their quirk activated.

The first round of the tournament was going to begin, you were going after the people after the first round, if that made any sense. Well, you were going third and you were fighting against another classmate, Fijisuma Ilakshi but everyone called her Kashi for short.

You went to sit at the bleachers, taking a seat where the rest of the third years were. You took a seat next to Nejire, looking out in front.

"Hey, first place in the calvary battle!" She says, wrapping her arms around your shoulders.

You hugged her back, smiling as she pressed her cheek against yours.

"Hello Nejire"

"Good job at the battle, you really surprised us" Tamaki said, his pointer fingers tapping lightly together.

"Thank you, I never thought we would be able to take the 10 million. I guess working with Kiro wasn't that bad." You say with a shrug

'Not him again, wait.' Tamaki thought, not that feeling of jealousy, again? He didn't like you in that way, did he? He looked at your face one more time, taking in your features. Your glowing E/C eyes, your H/L H/C hair, and your soft lips. Lips?!

The second battle was going to start soon, Mirio left the stands and went to wait for his turn to get called. He was going against a 3-B student, you wished him luck watching him leave.

You looked around seeing the talking families and the watchful heroes. In a different section of the stadium were the first years, in the big mist of them you saw people pointing to you and making a hand motion for you to come over to their side. You stood up, excusing yourself telling Nejire where you were going.

You walked down the stairs from your row, walking a quarter of the stadium, walking to where the kids were telling you to.

"L/N! Up here!" You hear; it was Kirishima. You recognized that voice anywhere, he was a pretty cool kid and very set on becoming a hero even with his "lame" quirk. You climbed up the stairs, walking to their row.

"Hey Kirishima, what's up?"

"Bakugo asked if- ow!" Kirishima stopped, grabbing his side.

Bakugo elbowed him in his ribs and angry look on his face.

When Butterflies First FlyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora