~ Chapter Six: First Day of School ~

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"I can remember walking as a child. It was not customary to say you were fatigued. It was customary to complete the goal of the expedition." - Katherine Hepburn

Song: Best Friend - Rex Orange County

'Okay, you'll be fine. It's just like regular high school, except I'll be training to become a hero at the same time, but you'll be fine. Breathe Y/N." You took in a deep breath before walking forward into the school.

It was HUGE inside, you already felt claustrophobic with the massive school and the many students walking one direction and another, trying to get to class. That's what you were trying to do; find your homeroom class. You looked down at the paper you had in your hands which told you about your schedule from now on, throughout the entire 3 years you would be attending here.

'Class 1-A, okay where is that?" You looked side to side looking at the halls full of kids. You walked to where the signs led, following the one that say Hero Course. After a couple of minutes of searching, you finally found your class.

"Woah, the door is massive. Must be for the extremely tall kids or teachers." You opened the door with huff taking in the many students who were talking amongst each other. You walked into the classroom, placing your stuff on an empty desk. You looked around the room seeing it's high ceiling and the desk's rolling chairs.

You skimmed through the students and one specific boy caught your eye. He had his head against the wall as another kid talked to him.

'Well, he seems nervous. But then again, isn't everyone?' You looked at all the groups of conversing students clearly seeing that they weren't nervous.

'Or maybe not.'

You wanted to talk to the boy you saw earlier, maybe wanting to make sure that the other kid talking to him wasn't making him feel uncomfortable. Just as you started walking towards him the door opened and a low, deep voice started speaking.

"Can you all stop talking and take your seats? You can finish where you left of later, we're going to start now."

You let out a sigh and went to take your seat. Once everyone sat down, the man in the front introduced himself.

"I'm Shota Aizawa and I'll be your homeroom teacher. Now get into these uniforms and meet me out in the field when you're done."

You finished changing into the P.E. clothes Mr. Aizawa had given you, walking outside with the rest of your class. You saw the same boy from the classroom standing pretty far from the big group of your class. You wanted to walk over and talk to him, but you also wanted to pay close attention to what your teacher had to say. You settled for the best answer and stood around the front, listening as Aizawa explained the quirk apprehension test the class would be taking.

The entire class would be taking multiple tests and Aizawa would judge all of you, seeing if each of you truly fit to become heroes. Though you thought the entrance exams would've proved it by now. The tests were the 50-meter dash, the grip strength test, long jump, sustained sideways jump, and throwing the ball using our quirks.

'Great, more tests. I came to become a hero not some scientist.' You huffed, your breath moving a strand of your H/C hair.

You did an okay job on most of the tests, except the grip test. But you don't talk about that, not one word. It was time for the final test, the pitch throw. You haven't thrown a ball in what seemed like forever, but Aizawa allowed for students to use their quirks for this test. When it was your turn to throw, you got into the circle getting handed the ball.

"How far could you throw a ball in junior high?" Mr. Aizawa asked looking at you with a tired and bored expression.

"Uh, I don't remember. I believe it was like 60 something meters"

"Hm, okay just throw the ball and use your quirk all you want."

You positioned yourself to throw the ball, you activated your quirk. Your E/C eyes turned into a bright yellow as you extended your arm back and swinging forward, you used a beam of light from your hand push the ball as far as you could make it go. Once the ball took flight into the air, you let out the breath you were holding then de-activated your quirk, your eyes returning to their regular color. You looked at Aizawa who was looking at the small monitor he had in his hand.

"705.7 meters"


You went to stand back in the group of students, waiting for the remaining of the class to finish their pitches.

You continued the rest of the school day as normal, when break came around you went to talk to the shy kid you kept glancing to throughout most of your classes. He had messy, indigo hair that covered some of his face and elf-like ears which you found quite adorable. You went up to him asking him the first thing that came into mind.

"Hey, I'm Y/N L/N! What's your name?"

The boy looked at you, a little spooked. He spoke in a small, quiet voice almost inaudible to you.

"T-Tamaki Amajiki"

"Nice name, wanna know something about butterflies?"

"I d-don't know" He turned his head, looking away from you to try and avoid your eyes. To him, you looked very energetic and bright, like the sun.

"I'll tell you what happens when they first fly! Sound good?"

"Mm, whatever."

That's where it all began, you asked him about butterflies and everything else just molded on its own. A successful first day of school, you were at U.A. and you made a friend on day one. It was going to be a good year for sure.

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