~ Chapter One: Good Morning You ~

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"Wake up with determination. Go to bed with satisfaction" -The Rock

Song: Water Fountain - Alec Benjamin




You shifted positions in bed as the loud noise started waking you up from your peaceful slumber. You twist and turn many times but to no avail as the noise continues to pierce into your ears, you flipped on your stomach, shoving your face into the warm comfort of the pillow and grabbing the ends, lifting them to cover your ears.

"C'mon flower, it's time to get up. You don't want to be late for school." Your dad says from the door of your butterfly themed room.

You started speaking into your pillow, each of your words coming out in muffles. You look up from your pillow and glance at your father whose arms are crossed with a small smile on his face. Going back to the noise that woke you up, you shot a glare at your alarm clock and shut it off with a satisfied sigh now that you were left in a comforting silence.

"I didn't hear what you said flower, but I hope it wasn't an insult." Your father said walking up to your bed as he crouched to be at your eye level, he placed a hand on your cheek giving you a loving smile.

You turned from your clock to your dad, giving him a smile as you push your cheek deeper into his hand. "I wouldn't insult you papa, you know that." You said with a giggle coming from your lips.

Your dad lets out a low chuckle as he moved his hand from your cheek, standing a full height. He leans back down to you, giving you a head kiss and ruffles your hair before walking back to doorway.

"I know you wouldn't. Start getting ready Y/N, you don't want to be late for school. Breakfast will surely be on the table when you finish."

"Alrighty then, oh, papa?"


"When will I be able to take the entrance exams for U.A.?"

"Hm, well I'd have to check but I'll let you know when I do. I'm sure they aren't that much longer; do you plan on taking them?" You father asks with a bit of worry in his voice when he says the last part.

"Yes!" You say, jumping from your bed to stand in front of your father with a happy and determined look on your face, "I want to go to U.A. High and become a pro hero just like how you were going to. I will make us both heroes' papa!"

Your father gives you a small smile, ruffling your hair repeating for you to get ready for the third time that morning. You nod as he leaves your room closing the door behind him. With much more energy, you made your way to the bathroom and got ready for the day. You showered, brushed your teeth and hair, got into your uniform and reached for your backpack. You made sure everything was inside and placed it back down on the ground. You quickly made your bed and opened your window blinds slightly, letting the sunlight from outside illuminate your room with a warm, cozy feeling filling the inside of your body. You checked yourself in the mirror, grabbed your backpack and left your room, heading to the kitchen.

Immediately, your nose was filled with the smell of pancakes and syrup. You walked up to the table sitting in one of four chairs that were surrounding the small table that was at the center of your father's kitchen. He placed down your plate with two nicely stacked pancakes, placing the syrup down too. You got up from your seat and walked into the kitchen, it was a small one for sure but then again, it was only you two. You grabbed two forks and two knives heading back to the table. You place one of each utensil for yourself and your father, he turned off the stove walking to the table setting down his plate of pancakes taking a seat across from you.

"So, what do you think you'll be learning about in school?" You father asks, spiking up a conversation.

"Hm, I don't really know. I hope it has something to do with butterflies! Or well maybe something positive, we all really need it from what happens outside of class and school."

"I guess... but Y/N?"

"Yes papa?" You say looking up from your pancakes which were in the middle of being cut.

"Are you really sure you want to take the entrance exams for U.A. High? I mean it's not like I don't want you to but with what happened-" Your father asked, stopping him before he would continue to ramble on.

"Papa, I'm sure of it. Besides, ever since I first manifested my quirk you helped me use it in case, I needed to protect myself or others. Trust me on this, what happened to you is now in the past. You chose to not use your quirk anymore; I will become a hero. So, I can protect us both."

You told your father in a serious but not rude tone. You wanted to reassure him, you wanted to let him know that you'd be the standing pillar from now on. You were going to provide for him like how he provided for you.

"A-alright then, if you say so flower. I think it's time to head out, c'mon." Your father told you, small smiles exchanged between you two.

You finished your breakfast and brushed your teeth again. Both you and your father walked out of your home, getting into the car you've also grown to love and appreciate, driving off to school.

'Thank you, papa.' You say mentally, smiling at each tree and bush you saw while passing the streets of your neighborhood.

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