~ Chapter Eighteen: Pitted Butterflies ~

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"Limit your 'always' and your 'nevers'." - Amy Poehler

Song: Ultimately - Dream Easy Collective, khai dreams, & Barnes Blvd.

It's been a day since the day at the nurse's office. You were up later at night just thinking about it, the sketches that you usually did weren't helping. Early morning thoughts were never different, the moment he kissed your hand replayed in your head.

When you went to All Might's classes to help with the first years, you would space out and forget your main task. You and Midoriya were back to normal, both of you walked home together and he told you something you had to keep secret. He is quirkless, but he got a quirk from All Might. His quirk, One for All advancing someone's regular abilities.

You promised to keep it between them, talking and treating both him and All Might the same way. You kept that promise, you never treated or interacted with them differently. That's the reason why Midoriya wanted to tell you, he knew that you would understand and not spill the beans.

You walked up to Nejire, asking if you both could talk in private. You both walked to an empty classroom, making the excuse that you were going to meet with a teacher there.

"Okay, what do you need Y/N?"

"How do you know you like someone?"

"You get along with them and you-"

"No, not that like. I mean like, like-like"

"Oh...*gasp* WHO IS IT?"

"Shh, I'll tell you, but I need you to answer the question"

"Right, well, when you like-like someone. You have a feeling inside your chest that is hard to explain. It feels super weird but after a while, you like it. You like being around that person, that person makes you feel like you have so many butterflies in your stomach."

"Woah, butterflies in your stomach?"

"Mhm, you'll feel shy and comfortable around them. You'll want to be with them all the time. Now, you answer my question. Who is it?"

'Do I get butterflies in my stomach whenever I'm with Tamaki? He makes me blush; I can perfectly feel it on my cheeks. He makes me happy and-'


"It's Tamaki!" You blurted out. You slapped your hand over your mouth, looking anywhere but Nejire's eyes.

"I knew it!" She threw her fist in the air, getting closer to you and putting her hands on your shoulders.

All day, she kept asking question about you and him. Luckily, she'd only ask when he wasn't around.

During English, Tamaki asked if you could meet him at the courtyard. You were nervous, what if he was going to tell you something bad? What if he was only joking and playing when he kissed your hand? 'What if' was all that was going through your head.

After class, you texted Midoriya saying that you would be hanging at U.A. a bit later,

Little Midori
Oh, okay
Do you know who your meeting?

Yeah, it's Tamaki

Little Midori
Oh, Tamaki?

He's someone who's in my class

Little Midori
Ah, okay
See you tomorrow L/N

Midoriya, you can call me by my first name y'know

Little Midori
Good luck, Y/N!

Thank you!

You put your phone in your backpack, zipping it closed before walking out towards the courtyard. You walked outside, not seeing Tamaki there. Did he ditch?

You sat down at the bench, taking your phone back out. You debated if you text Nejire or Tamaki first, you wanted to see what Nejire thought of him not being here but also wanting to know where Tamaki was.

Just as you were going to send the text message, you heard panting and footsteps behind you. You set the phone down, looking to the side. You saw Tamaki running to you, stopping and grabbing his knees as he panted.

You stood up quickly, feeling your heart race. Nejire didn't tell you about that, what does it mean?

"Sorry, I came late. I just didn't think you'd actually show up"

"Oh, of course I would show up."

"O-okay...well what I wanted to ask was. Were you okay with it?"

"Okay with what?"

"The kiss...y'know in Recovery Girl's office?"

"Oh, y-yeah of course. I wasn't mad or anything if that was what you were wondering"

"Okay...that's good. At least I know you didn't hate me after doing it"

"I would never hate you Tamaki, never"

"Thank you, L/N"

"And you can call me by my first name too"

"Okay, Y/N"

You both smiled at each other. Looking deep into black eyes and E/C eyes.

'Nejire, I feel butterflies'

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