It's Always Sunny With You

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Song: It's Always Sunny With You by {Parentheses}

AN: This fic is dedicated to the one and only                                                      !!!! She gave me a fic for my birthday, so I had to give her one in return.

Bri, you are fantastical. I'm so glad I met someone in this crazy ass fandom that is always down to talk, and agrees with me on everything.

Here's to you, Bri. Here's that fic about that one prompt I saw. Happy birthday! Josh released those singles just for you :)

Prompt: "So we've never met, but our showers are on opposite sides of the same apartment wall so sometimes we're showering at the same time and we sing duets."

Ricky Bowen's life was a routine. Wake up, eat, go to work, work, eat, work some more, go home, shower, eat, go to bed. He didn't mind the repetition, but sometimes he wishes for a bit more spontaneity.

He didn't want to always wake up and go straight to work. He wanted to go on jogs in the morning, and stay up late watching movies at night. The problem was he was afraid of change. As much as he wanted to switch things up, he was scared it might harm some of the parts of his routine that he truly loved. He was a bit lost in life, and his routine kept him on his path.

The shower was Ricky's safe haven. His favorite part of his perfectly structured life. It was a place that he had all to himself. Free of worries and free of stress. The outside world doesn't exist in his small tiled shower. His routine was nonexistent. His time in the shower was treasured, and he looked forward to it every evening.

As soon as he returned home from his job at the local record store, he'd head straight to his shower and spend the next 10 minutes enjoying the peace and comfort it brought him. He loved his routine, and he especially loved his showers.


Today was no different. After following his routine, Ricky had finally made it home after a full day of work. He made a beeline for the bathroom, and immediately turned the knob in his shower to the hottest temperature.

Stepping inside, he pulled the ratty curtain shut as he began his time in the shower. Just as he was putting shampoo in his hair, he heard a faint sweet humming sound, the sudden tune startling him. He whipped his head around quickly to search for the source of the noise, causing him to hit his head into the shower head.

"Ow shit." He grumbled, reaching up to rub where he'd just hit, getting soap in his eyes in the process. "Fuck. Jesus." he cursed, trying to rub the stinging from his eyes. He bumped into the shower's faucet, causing the temperature to change from scalding hot to freezing cold in a matter of seconds. Reacting quickly, he twists the knob so it returns to the original temperature. He sighs and stands there for a moment trying to comprehend all that had happened.

That's when he heard the soft humming again. He noticed it was coming from the other side of the wall, clearly the walls of the apartment were quite thin, and he pressed his ear to the cold tile to try to hear it better. Although he was certain that the sound was coming from the wall, he still couldn't hear it well. Ricky turned and shut off his own shower, hoping that would help him listen in.

He was able to ascertain that someone was singing to themselves in their own apartment. After a few more seconds, he realized that it was a girl singing in her own shower. He could hear the water hitting the shower tile acting as a soothing metronome to the girl's voice. Her vocals were sweet and smooth, and Ricky couldn't pull himself away. She was like a mythical siren, it was intriguing.

Ricky tried to make out the words as best he could, but to no avail. He stood there for a few more seconds, and he didn't even realize, but he had begun to hum along with the girl. He was able to harmonize with the faint notes he was listening to, and he tried pressing his ear closer to the wall to continue their duet.

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