Love Me Like A Friend

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Song: Love Me Like A Friend by Fly By Midnight

Their story was nothing that hadn't been done before.

Two best friends, one being head over heels for the other and one being oblivious to the other's hints.

That's what Ricky and Nini were like.

They'd known each other for years, since high school. They were best friends, they told each other everything, and had each other's backs no matter what.

So when Nini showed up at Ricky's door late one night, he didn't question anything and let her right in.

She claimed that she was out with her girls before they decided to stay out later. Nini had lied to them saying she just wanted to be alone, but she'd found herself on the streets of Salt Lake with no key to her own place. So she decided to crash with Ricky that night.

Ricky could tell she was slightly buzzed, probably from a shot or two, she was tripping on some of her words. He couldn't help but hope she'd say the words he'd always wanted to hear. The words that would cross that line they drew in their relationship. He knows she's not thinking clearly, but drunk words are sober thoughts, so it's very possible.

He helps her inside, leading her to the couch before going to his kitchen to get her some water.

"You know what Ricky?" He heard Nini slur from the other room, "I really am lonely. Going out with the girls doesn't make me feel good. They all have partners while I have nothing. It's not fair really."

He was confused by her sudden confession, not expecting her to get more than five words out in a single stream of consciousness. He made his way back into the living room, sitting down next to her and wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"Didn't you tell them you wanted to be alone tonight? And that's why you're here?" he asked.

"Well, I think so? I don't know. I just feel lonely. All the time."

"Is there anything you want me to do?"

"Just hold me for now."

So he did. About twenty minutes went by before Nini started getting restless. She began constantly adjusting her position trying to get more and more comfortable.

"Woah there Nini, just relax. Stay still."

"Ricky? Can you make me feel less lonely?" she said.

"I thought I was already doing that, you asked me to hold you." he chuckled.

"Well yeah, but I want to not feel lonely in a boyfriend/girlfriend way."

Ricky was taken aback by what she said, does this mean she wanted him as much as he wanted her? Did she actually feel the same way?

"So, what would you like me to do now?"

She looked up at him, with an almost pleading look in her eyes. She didn't even need to say anything, Ricky knew what she wanted. He leaned his head down to press his lips against hers.

Seconds ticked by like minutes as they continued to kiss like they'd been doing it their whole lives.

When they broke away for air, Ricky stood up and scooped Nini into his arms, taking her to his bedroom.


Ricky awoke the next morning to find his bed empty, Nini no longer being next to him. He should've known he thought to himself. She was tipsy, of course she'd regret it.

He made his way into his kitchen and found Nini sitting on his counter, sipping coffee and pulling her clothes back on.

"Oh, hey Nini. I thought you left." he said.

"Well, I was just leaving. Thank you for helping me last night." she responded

"Yeah, anytime. I'm always here."

"I'm gonna head out if that's cool with you. I got a match on Tinder this morning, so I'm going to go meet him for lunch. I'll talk to you later yeah?"

He was caught off guard, he thought last night maybe meant something to her. He wasn't expecting her to carry on like nothing happened.

"Of course. I'll see you around."

She walked over him and planted a short peck on his cheek before heading out of his apartment.

Ricky couldn't help but scream. From anger, shock, and confusion all at the same time.


Nini's Tinder date didn't work out. Neither did her date with her coworker. Or her blind date setup from Kourtney.

She found herself at Ricky's apartment more and more, staying with him all night then waking up and leaving in the early morning. He let her.

It was killing Ricky to know that he was just a hook-up to her. Someone to get her mind off of her crappy dating life. It was messing with his head, he couldn't let this continue.

But he couldn't be selfish. She needed him, so he was there.


Their cycle kept repeating on and on and on.

Ricky never found anyone else to date, knowing his heart always belonged to Nini. She just didn't feel the same.

Maybe one day she'd come around and they could do this for real. But for now, she only loved him as a friend. And that's all he had.


Every night, you're sleeping in my bed

Every morning, you're fucking with my head

Every night, you're sleeping in my bed

Every morning, you love me like a friend


Again y'all I've literally never been kissed or been in a relationship so this is kinda (very) rough. I try my best though. We're getting through it. This one was kinda short because the song is very repetitive. Reminder that there's a link to the playlist for this book in my Conversations tab! Go check it out if you're cool.  I'm also now realizing how similar this one is to 3am. Whoops. 

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