Valentine's Day

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Song: Valentine's Day by MisterWives

Make sure to read Drummer Boy before you read this fic!!! 

Eight years. They had been together for eight years.

It hadn't been easy, relationships never were, but Nini was still dead set on them being together forever.

Nini had moved in with him after they were together for two years, deciding that Ricky's drums had no reason to leave its corner.

They continued their nightly jam sessions for a solid four years, but then they became few and far between as Ricky got home from work later and later.

Nini didn't know what was going on with Ricky, communication through words not being their strong suit. If there was tension, it would be expressed through the drum beats and screams from the rooftops.

Speaking of, he still sometimes took her to the parking garage to let everything out. Unlike the times before, they didn't talk about what they were screaming and yelling about. So he stopped taking her there. Nini hated that he was being uncharacteristically quiet.

Nini began to go to bed with tears in her eyes, confused as to why her perfect paradise was slowly crumbling beneath her.

Ricky hated that Nini was bottling herself up again, but he didn't know how to handle it. He knew he was the cause of this, but he had a hopeful feeling that his recent actions would have a positive outcome. He just needed a few more months of this pain and everything would all work out.

She started dressing in more monotone colors, mostly blue. He always described her as being the perfect ever-changing hue, but now she was just the same.

They stopped most physical contact, not kissing each other as much as they used to. Only short pecks when they left for work and before they went to bed if one of them wasn't already asleep.

Both of them hated what their relationship became, but only Ricky knew why.


It was Valentine's Day, and Ricky wasn't home.

Nini was looking forward to this day, it was the day of love. All relationship problems could be ignored for just 24 hours, because they loved each other and that's what matters.

It was well past 10pm when Ricky finally came home, and it was clear he was tired. When he opened the door, he walked right past the display of flowers and hearts Nini had left on the kitchen counter, and right into their bedroom.

"Ricky?" Nini asked, slightly annoyed that he completely ignored all that she did for him, and her for that matter. She followed him into the room to find his face buried in their pillows.

"Mmm?" he responded, not moving.

"It's Valentine's Day." she said quietly, hoping that would encourage him to get out of bed.


"Don't you think we should do something special? You know, as a couple?" she questioned.

"I'm beat Nini, I don't have time for this right now, I just want to go to bed okay? Maybe we can postpone."

"We can't exactly postpone Valentine's Day Ricky! We've always spent Valentine's Day together but now all of a sudden on our eighth one you bail?"

"Jesus, I'm sorry Nini. I had to work late, that's not something I can control!" He said, now sitting up to face her.

"You've never had to work late in the past before, why now? What's going on to where you have to work overtime at a record store. A fucking record store that I know closes at 6pm. Why the hell are you getting home so late?"

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