Let Light Be Light

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Song: Let Light Be Light by Lizzy McAlpine

AN: I'm aware that Ricky is very one dimensional in this fic. It's more of a Nini centered story, so I didn't want to put too much focus on his development (sorry Rickster)

TW// Slight mentions of abuse

"This is Jeopard--" click

"Pivot! Piv--" click

"Good evening, this is Tucker Carls--" click

"Contestants! 30 minutes left on the clock! Make sure you've completed--" click.

Nina had been flipping through TV channels for the past 4 hours. She was laying across her couch in her small studio apartment in NYC, wrapped in a tattered quilt, and zoning out on the big box of blue light before her.

Nina was never a fan of change, which was ironic as she couldn't stop changing the channel. She liked it when everything stayed the exact same, and when things were predictable. She also preferred to keep things inside of her, and protect herself from the outside world. Being vulnerable wasn't one of her strong suits, and she wanted to continue to be numb to the world. She didn't see the need in expressing all her baggage.

Her baggage weighed on her like a pound of concrete, and she tried everything in her power to get those heavy thoughts out of her head.

Just as she'd settled on a 2002 rerun of Antique Roadshow, her phone rang. Groaning, she unwound herself from her blanket and shuffled over to where her phone was resting on the edge of the kitchen counter.

"Nina!!! I'm so glad you picked up!!" Nini's best friend's voice rang through her ears and she winced.

"Hi Kourt. What's up?" Nina asked apathetically.

"Don't you sound happy to see me?!" Kourtney joked "Have you been getting enough sleep? Are you okay?

"I'm getting by." Nina responded, trudging back to her couch and slouching into it.

"It's been at least 4 months, I think you'd be over it by now."

"It's not something you just get over Kourt."

"Are you still spending most of your day on the couch? You have a job you know. You can't sulk forever."

"Wow Kourt, way to make me feel better. I have been going to work, thank you. And I can sulk for as long as I want." Nina huffed.

"Have you been going to therapy? You know your moms found Dr. Jenn just for you after all that had happened." Kourtney said, concerned.

"I saw her once a few weeks ago. We didn't really talk."

"Maybe you should consider going to another appointment. Y'all don't even need to talk about anything important. Talk about how much you like chocolate cake or something."

"I'll think about it. Thanks."

"Oh! I almost forgot to say the real reason I called you!"

"What's that?"

"I got you a date!" Kourtney squealed.

"A what?" Nina said, sitting up as she felt her body go cold.

"I think it's about time you got yourself back out there! What better way to get out of your little sulk-fest than to go on a date!"

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Nonsense. It'll be great. This guy is perfect for you, trust me. Gina has this friend Ej, who has this cousin Ashlyn, who's dating this guy Big Red, who has this friend Ricky. He's SUPER cute. I've seen a few pictures, and he's totally your type."

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