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Song: 757 by Salem Ilese

"You sure there's no other way?" Nini said into her phone as she paced around her kitchen.

"We're sorry Nina, but we need at least twelve of our employees to go to this convention and I'd like my trusty assistant to be there." her boss on the other line said.

"Ugh, fine. What time is my flight?"

"Tomorrow at noon, but make sure to get to the airport early, we'd hate for you to miss The Accountants Of America Convention."

"It'd truly be a tragedy." Nini scoffed, already dreading having to get on an airplane.

"That's the spirit! Alright, I'll let you go so you can pack."

The line went dead and Nini groaned. Not only did she despise being an administrative assistant, she hated flying. She didn't like the idea of being up in the air, it seemed impossible to her, and it felt as though anything could go wrong at a moment's notice.

She always tried to avoid flying if possible, opting to drive the distance instead. There was no way she'd be able to drive this weekend. Her firm was in LA and the convention was in Chicago. Even if she left now, she wouldn't make it in time.

She dragged her feet into her room to begin packing for her dreaded trip to Chicago.


Nini woke the next morning with a pit in her stomach, she slowly got all her things she needed for Chicago, requested an Uber, and sped off to the LAX airport.

After checking in and going through security, she was now sitting at her gate. Her leg was bouncing nervously as she tried to focus on whatever tabloid she'd picked up from Hudson News to keep herself distracted from the impending doom that was flying on an airplane.

Sooner than she'd like, her group number was called and she began to file onto the plane with the other passengers she was going to be stuck with for the next three and a half hours.

Nini tried her best to not bump into anyone as she hoisted her carry-on bag into the overhead compartment. She found her seat next to the window, buckled her seatbelt, and pulled it tight. She pulled her random tabloid back out to try and busy herself before the true fear set in. She didn't even notice when the aisle seat next to her suddenly became occupied.

"Fascinating article you got there. I haven't read that one yet, but I can't wait to hear all about which celebrity keeps getting pregnant."

Nini whipped her head up towards the sound of the voice, confused as to who said it. Her eyes were met by a handsome stranger about her age. He had light curly brown hair and a jawline that could cut glass, Nini felt herself blush at the sight of him.

"Oh, the usual. Just one baby after the next for these people, cause the world just needs more Kardashian DNA. Thank you, no." Nini responded quickly.

"How dare you insult them like that." he responded, acting appalled.

Nini couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped her lips as she was now intrigued by her seat partner.

He stuck out his hand to introduce himself, "I'm Ricky, figured you'd at least know my name before you're stuck next to me for the next few hours."

Nini took his hand in his, not missing the way she felt a small shock go through her body when they touched, "I'm Nini, and it's nice to know my seat partner isn't a total ass."

"Speaking from experience I assume?" Ricky questioned.

"No, I'm not a huge fan of flying, so having an asshole next to me would be the cherry on top."

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