Box Around The Sun

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Song: Box Around The Sun by MisterWives


"Nini... wake up!"


"Jesus!! What!!??" Nini said as she jolted awake. Nini was slumped over a back table in the UCLA library, having fallen asleep after working on a project late at night. Ricky had gone to look for her after she didn't answer his texts about wanting to grab dinner. He figured he'd find her hidden in the library, since that's where she spent most of her time.

"You fell asleep again, Neens." Ricky, her best friend, said. "Also, you need to keep it down. It is a library after all."

"Ugh, whatever. Thanks for waking me up, cause I've still got a ton of this project to finish."

"No, Nini, come on. Let's go back to your dorm. It's late."

"No, Ricky, come on. I've got to get this done." She mocked.

"Nini..." He looked down at her sternly, "It's almost 1am."

"Mmhm. Your point?" she groaned, stretching her arms out in front of her.

"Nope, we're not playing this game today. Up you go." Ricky urged as he pulled her up from her chair. Nini, still tired from her nap, leaned against Ricky for support as he put all her books in her backpack. Ricky slung her backpack over his shoulder and guided her out of the library. Nini was holding onto his elbow as they made their way across campus to Nini's dorm.

Ricky dug around in the front pocket and found her room key, opening the door, and dragging her inside.

"Oh thank god you found her, I was about to call campus police." Nini's roommate, Gina, said sitting up in bed.

"Yeah, it's all good. She just fell asleep in the library again." Ricky shrugged as he lifted Nini up into her bed. She fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

"I don't know how you do it Bowen, Nini could be asleep in Timbuktu without telling anyone and you'd still find her." Gina yawned.

"I'll always find her." Ricky mumbled as he watched Nini's soft snores slowly grow louder, and he smiled to himself. "Sounds like you're going to need to bust out your ear plugs again tonight. Looks to me like she had a Red Bull or two this evening, and that always makes her snore."

"How did you know?" Gina said as she reached across to her small bedside table and pulled out a fresh pack of ear plugs. "It's like you two are connected somehow."

"I just know Nini." Ricky said. "Goodnight Gina, and let Nini sleep in tomorrow. Her first class isn't until the afternoon, she could use the extra sleep."

Ricky turned on his heel to make his way out, but not before draping a soft blanket over Nini.


That had been something that was common for Ricky. Finding Nini in random places about campus, either fast asleep or very close to that point. He'd told her time and again that her habits weren't healthy and she needed to have a normal sleep schedule, but Nini simply brushed his concerns aside. She claimed that her schoolwork and job was far more important than getting a few winks of sleep.

The two had met in their sophomore year of high school after Ricky had moved from Chicago to Salt Lake after his parents' divorce. They'd clicked almost instantly over their addiction to Spotify and iced coffee. They bonded over old movies and Shakespere's letters. She taught him how to bake and he taught her how to play guitar.

Ricky and Nini soon became inseparable all throughout high school. Nini had told him to not disclose where he'd decided to go to college, since she didn't want that to affect where she chose to go. To her surprise, they'd both chosen UCLA. Ricky was ecstatic to be spending four more years with the girl who made his heart beat a million miles an hour.

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