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Song: Alaska by Little Hurt 

AN: I HIGHLY recommend you listen to this song before you read this one, a lot of details won't make sense if you don't.  

Salt Lake City was boring. There was no doubt about it. That's what Ricky always thought. He hated it here, he hated his school, he hated his neighborhood, he hated his house, and he hated his parents. They were constantly fighting and bringing Ricky into their arguments. Ricky wasn't happy.

There was really only one thing good in Ricky's life, and that was his best friend Nini.

He'd met her when she'd first moved to Salt Lake in middle school, she hated it here too. Her thin Georgia skin wasn't used to the bitter Utah weather, and she left everything behind in the south. She'd begged her moms to not make her move but they didn't listen. Her only reason for being slightly okay with being here was Ricky.

They'd bonded over their hatred of this town, wanting to desperately escape and go anywhere but where they were. They'd go to their nearest park and daydream about eventually getting out of here, running away and being happy.

Ricky had been trying to suppress his growing feelings for Nini, but the more she talked about running away, the more he wanted to run away with her. He could picture it clearly, him and Nini getting in the car and driving to god knows where, settling down, and growing together. He was worried that she'd get scared by his feelings and leave without him, so he never told her.


Nini had been laying in her bed one night reading her horoscope, she'd always been fascinated by star signs, but this issue in particular caught her eye:

Pisces: "There's something in the air pushing you to change how you live, let it."

That's when Nini knew she had to get out of here, as if her hatred for Utah wasn't enough, the newspaper had told her it was okay, and one person's approval was better than no one's.

She hopped off her bed, rushing to her dresser before pulling out her small journal that contained lists of places she wanted to live. It was time to go.


Across town, Ricky was dealing with his own problems.

He was holed up in his room eating cheap Chinese food, as his parents had neglected to make dinner. They were too busy fighting.

As he finished his meal, he came across his fortune cookie, and cracked it open. He was kind of shocked when he read it.

"Don't be afraid to leave where you are, you might find leaving to be the best thing to happen"

He didn't even need to think twice before he was grabbing a duffel bag and shoving clothes into it. He grabbed all his money, his guitar, and a jacket. He quickly rushed out the door, grabbing his keys, his parents not even paying him any mind. He turned the keys in the ignition and began to drive across town, knowing exactly where he was going.


He sped through the streets of Salt Lake, and he eventually made it in front of Nini's house.

He hopped out of his car and made his way to the back of her house to climb up into her window.

As he ran to the back, he tripped over something. Looking down he saw it was a normal overnight bag. He glanced up to her window.

To his shock, her window was already wide open, and Nini was hugging the wall next to it on the small landing.

"Nini!" He whisper yelled, "What the hell are you doing?"

Ricky and Nini - Song FicsWhere stories live. Discover now