Is Your Bedroom Ceiling Bored?

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Song: Is Your Bedroom Ceiling Bored? By Sody and Cavetown

It was her fault. She did this to the both of them.

Maybe if she didn't sit next to him that night at Ashlyn's party or if he didn't insist on walking her home.

Now she probably ruined everything.

Nini stays in her room. Only leaving for school and errands. She doesn't go to group hangouts anymore, not when she knows he'll be there.

Kourtney says they all miss her, that he misses her. She can't bring herself to face him again after what she did.

Maybe she was being a bit dramatic, but in her mind, she was being perfectly reasonable.

In hindsight, maybe what she did wasn't too bad of an idea. They'd been friends for more than ten years, and the romantic tension between them was building until it finally reached its climax that night.

It's what keeps Nini awake at night. She doesn't go to bed early like she used to, instead she stays up late and talks to the moon, even if she can't see it from her window, she knows it's there. She acts as though the moon is the only one allowed to hear her thoughts and feelings. That he's the only one that cares.

She tells him all about Ricky. About how they were the perfect pair, the dynamic duo. How they've been next door neighbors for years and how that's how they became friends. How one wasn't seen without the other. How they knew the ins and outs of each other. How much she cared about him. How much she misses him.

She wishes that she did something different, and maybe they'd still be talking. If she didn't slam the door in his face. If she didn't ignore all his texts and calls. If she didn't lean up and grab his collar when she kissed him. Maybe everything would be okay if she was just honest with him about how she feels.

The four walls in her room have seen everything since that night. They watch her as she cries into her pillow, screaming about her mistake. They watch as she drafts texts to Ricky, apologizing and asking for things to go back to the way they were. They watch as she slowly falls into a hole that she dug for herself, not being able to pull herself out of it.

Every night, after talking to the moon, Nini lays on her back trying to will herself to fall asleep. She stares up at her ceiling, her mind flooded with thoughts of Ricky. She always looks over to Ricky's window. She sees him asleep on his bed, the small night light she gave him when they were seven illuminating his room from its place in the outlet by the door.

She hates how peaceful he is, that he's taking this better than she is. It's clear that her not talking to him isn't affecting him in the slightest. She wishes he was hurting like she was.


Ricky didn't know what to think. One minute he's walking his best friend home after a late night party, then he's on her front porch while she presses her lips against his and she's slamming the door in his face, and the next minute she won't talk to him.

If he was being honest with himself, he hadn't stopped thinking about that night. After years of pining after Nini, she finally gave him the hint that she felt the same. He went home that night with a slight skip in his step, ready to call her the next morning to officially ask her out. When she didn't pick up, he got worried.

He tried every form of communication to try and talk to her, just to hear that she was alive. He sent her messages on Instagram and Facebook, sent her Snapchats and text messages. She was leaving him on read on every platform.

Ricky starts to wake up early, earlier than he ever did. He starts talking to the sun, asking for advice as if she was talking back to him. She doesn't have any, but he still asks every morning. How do you go from feeling on top of the world to rock bottom within twelve hours? How do you have the most perfect girl right within your reach to lose her without knowing what you did wrong? How is he supposed to know if Nini is the one? How can he know she's okay when she won't speak to him?

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