I Knew

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Song: I Knew by Lizzy McAlpine

Nini knew a lot of things. When she was a toddler, she knew how to say 'yes' and 'no' . When she was in kindergarten, she knew her colors and shapes. In second grade, she knew her times tables. In middle school, she knew that gossip and drama wasn't worth her time. In high school, she knew she loved Ricky.

Nini knew growing up that her best friend would always be a prominent part of her life, and she knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. She knew she loved him.

Nini knew that she wanted him to be the one to say it first, so she never said anything. She knew she didn't want to run the risk of ruining their friendship, and she waited. Now, they're in their freshman year of college, and Ricky hasn't given her any idea that he might feel the same.

She was sick of waiting for him to say something to her, and she wished she knew what was going on in his head. It made her upset that of all the things she knew, she didn't know if Ricky loved her or not.

Nini waited for so long to see if he would ever express romantic feelings towards her, and now she was worried that he'd never say anything.

She told her moms how she felt about Ricky, so they knew. So did her friends, and so did Ricky's friends. Everyone knew about Nini's feelings but Ricky, and no one knew what Ricky was feeling.

Ricky tended to keep to himself, and he was never the best at really expressing how he felt. Everyone knew that, so did Nini, but she wishes he'd just tell her. She was a very straightforward person, and she wanted to know everything without it being convoluted. She wanted Ricky to give her a yes or no answer, so she was still holding out for Ricky to give her that answer.


"Nini, maybe his love language isn't words of affirmation. He's not great at sharing how he feels, you know this. Look for other ways maybe? There are other ways of showing it. I've seen the way that boy looks at you, he's down bad." Kourtney explains.

The two were sitting in her dorm room, with Kourtney sitting on Nini's bed while Nini was sitting on the floor in front of her while Kourtney braided her hair.

"It's been almost two decades Kourt! If he loved me, he would've said something by now." Nini whined, and Kourtney yanked Nini's hair, causing her to yelp. "Ouch! What was that for?"

"Did you not hear what I just said? You know he's hesitant about sharing his feelings, especially after his parent's divorce. I don't see why you can't just tell him?"

"Because then I might ruin our friendship!"

"Well, Ricky's probably thinking the same thing!"

"But I love him! He should just tell me that he loves me if he does, cause I feel the exact same!"

Kourtney whacked Nini over the head with the hairbrush.

"Jesus Kourt! What did I do this time?"

"He doesn't know if you love him dumbass! You're both in the same situation! Stop dancing around the subject. If you don't know if he loves you, look for ways that he might show it. He'll remember little details about you, or do kind unwarranted gestures, or always be there for you. For the hundredth time. There are other ways to show affection! You just need to get your head out of your ass, and realize that not everything is going to be straightforward!" Kourtney exclaimed.

"But Kourt-"

"No buts! If you don't figure this whole thing out by the end of graduation, I'm telling him myself. I'm sick of hearing you complain and groan about this problem that could easily be fixed." Kourtney cut her off, tying a hair tie to the end of Nini's braid.

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