I Wish I Never Met You

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Song: I Wish I Never Met You by Babygirl

It was a warm summer night, Ricky and Nini were currently lying on their backs on a small hill in a park, uncomfortable silence floating around them.

They were both lying on a small towel, there was a small tear at the seam in the center, splitting it in half, both of them on either side of the small rip.

"It felt like a dream to me Ricky." she spoke up, breaking the silence, turning to face him.

"Yeah, I know what you mean." he responded quietly, not letting his eyes meet her's, she barely heard him.

"So we should go for it right? We both felt something, so let's do it." she encouraged.

"I don't know if that's the best Idea Nini. We don't know where it could go, I don't want to risk losing what I have with you." he argued.

"But we wouldn't know if we didn't try." she persisted.

"It wasn't anything special, Nini. It was seven minutes in heaven, followed by a small kiss in your living room. Everyone was drunk, it meant nothing."

"It meant something to me, Ricky. I say we go for it." she urged.

"But then one of us breaks the other and we never talk again. Is that really something you want?"

"Stop saying like you know it'll happen! We could be different. I'm not gonna hurt you. We could be so great together, Ricky. "

He sat up at her words, still refusing to look at her.

"It's just not something I want to risk Nini. I don't want to lose you."

"You won't. Even if something happens, we're friends first." she said, trying to convince him.

"You say that now, but then one of us is gonna mess up so bad that we can't go back to what we were, and then we're just nothing."

"You don't know that Ricky!!" She yelled, tears starting to form.

"I'm just not ready to take that jump Nini. If you really cared about me, you wouldn't try to push me to do something I don't want to do."

Silence. She was stunned at his words. She waited a few minutes before she spoke again.

"Do you even like me? Do you even care?" she choked out.

"You know I do. I'm gonna care about you forever."

She continued to weep, tears streaming down her face. She couldn't believe the boy that had stolen her heart was holding onto it, and she knew he wasn't going to give it back. She couldn't give it to anyone else, and it's his fault.

"Nini, are you okay? I know this is a lot, but I'm here for you."

She looked up at him with pure hurt in her eyes.

"I wish I never met you."


They stopped talking after that night. Nini couldn't find herself to look at him after what he said to her. She began to regret everything that had led them to that moment in time. She figures he was right. If they did take that push, if they did cross that line, they'd end up hating each other. But they didn't do any of those things, and yet they were still stuck in the nightmare he'd thought up.

She heard that mixing liquor and pot could destroy brain cells, and can give you memory loss. When she thought about Ricky and all he'd done to her, all she wanted to do was forget. She decided two months after they'd stopped seeing each other that it was a good idea.

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