Love Sick

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Song: Love Sick by Beach Bunny


It was a big word, not only was it long with a lot of consonants, its definition held weight too.

It meant promise, dedication, and obligation.

To Ricky, it meant more than all of those nouns.

To Ricky, it meant stress, worry, and panic.

He'd never stayed in a relationship for more than four months. Finding himself drowning in affection and attention, knowing that it wouldn't last forever. Love turns bitter and harsh, fast.

When he felt himself get overwhelmed, he'd cut them off, to avoid the inevitable heartbreak they'd cause him. Ghost them, take his hoodies back, and delete their contact.

He'd told himself that love was violent, that he simply didn't like to be held and touched. But he secretly yearned for a relationship, maybe one where that make him feel dizzy by a simple touch.

That was until he met Nini.


Nini was a field of sunflowers, she was bliss, joy, and fun all at the same time.

He'd met her on the corner of East Aureole and Woodberry, one of the busiest intersections in Salt Lake City. She was paused at the crosswalk, holding a bouquet of flowers, a large teddy bear, and futzing with her phone, frantically pressing buttons.

Ricky was standing behind her, waiting for the light to switch to red so he could cross. He peered over her shoulder to see her trying to navigate google maps, zooming in and out, trying to follow the highlighted blue line.

Ricky was enamored by her. She was perfect, he thought. The way her nose scrunched up as she focused, the way her long thick brown hair tumbled down her shoulders, and the way she sang to herself quietly.

The crosswalk light changed, indicating that pedestrians could cross. But the girl didn't budge, eyes still glued to her phone. He didn't notice the seconds begin to count down, warning them that the light would turn green soon, he was still admiring her. That is until he felt someone pass by, accidentally bumping him on the shoulder, causing him to look up from the girl that caught his eye.

Acting quickly, he tapped the girl on the shoulder, making her look up as well. When her eyes met his, he swore he felt his heart stop. He stumbled slightly and tried to regain composure.

"Sorry to bug you," he began nervously, "but that light is about to change, and I doubt you'd want to stand at this crosswalk for much longer."

"Shit, I could've sworn I had more time." she said, trying to readjust the items in her arms, dropping some flowers in the process. Frantically, she bent down to try and pick up her flowers, trying to not fall over from the weight of the teddy bear.

Hating to watch her struggle, Ricky bent down, picked up the rest of the flowers, grabbed her hand and sprinted to the other sidewalk just before the light changed.

Both were panting heavily when they'd stopped. He didn't even notice he was still holding her hand, but he wouldn't mind if he held on just a bit longer. He looked down at her, she was still trying to place all the loose flowers back in the cellophane. He dropped her hand so she could do it more easily. He then handed the flowers he'd picked up back to her.

"Thank you for grabbing those for me, I didn't think I was going to make it across." she said.

"It's not a problem. I'd just hate for you to miss your date." He replied.

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