Say My Name

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Song: Say My Name by Prince Of Eden

Not only did Nini have a stunning natural outer beauty, and a kind inner soul, but her voice was soothing as well.

Ricky liked to compare the sound of her voice to smooth mascarpone and it felt warm like a maple candle. When she laughed it sent chills up his spine.

He especially loved the way he said his name. Like it was she was the only person allowed to say it. She said it with all the love in her heart, like it was a blessing, or a hymn.

Ricky would simply be sitting on the couch, and Nini would say his name. Enunciating every consonant and lacing his name in a state of grace and bliss. He would warm up immediately, no matter how cold it was.

It put him in a feeling of haze, just him and Nini floating around in a celestial sky, with the only sounds being them whispering sweet nothings to each other.


For Nini, it was the same.

When Ricky would say her name, it was almost as if the entire world stopped, he would put emphasis on both syllables, making it clear that her name was just as important to him as she was.

She wanted him to scream it from the rooftops, wanting him to tell the whole world that she was his girl.

His voice lit a small fire in her heart, igniting her to push forward just so she could hear him say her name over and over and over again.

Her heart rate would pick up, turning into a soft flutter inside her chest. It drove her crazy. The good and addictive crazy. She wanted more, constantly.


Ricky planned on saying Nini's name forever, he reveled in the way it felt like sweet cinnamon on his tongue.

He felt he was the only one allowed to say her name, he gave it to her of course.

He couldn't help but gag at the name Nina. It didn't match her sweet and kind personality. It felt too prissy.

Nini was silk and velvet all at once.


Nini adored saying Ricky's name. She couldn't ignore the buzz she felt in her head when she said it. His name felt like a warm breeze whenever it rolled off her tongue.

She really couldn't imagine him as a Richard. The name feels old and harsh. It didn't sync with Ricky's lifestyle. Ricky was reckless and spontaneous, which is what his name sounded like. Richard just felt like it wanted to stay home on a Friday night.


As they laid in bed together, Ricky couldn't help but hum her name softly to her. Whispering how much he adored her, and that he wanted her to be with him forever.

Nini reciprocated by singing his name back to him, and that she wanted nothing more than to spend her forever with him.


I like the way you say my name with the blood in your face

I like the way you say my name when you soak it in grace

Oh the way you say my name i'm all over the place

I like the way i like the way i like the way you say


Not sure how I feel about this one, but one of my favorite literary devices is onomatopoeia, so I tried conveying that when describing their names using the five senses.  I know it's short, but I wanted to get another one shot published today. 

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