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Song: Hailey by WRENN

They weren't together anymore, he made that very very clear.

He was the one fueling the fights prior to their breakup, crashing and burning everything they'd built together.

They were complete fire and tension. Screaming harsh words about how he's not committed to the relationship anymore, and how she was making something out of nothing.

He'd left her without saying a word, and she broke down.


She didn't see him for a week, then her birthday rolled around, and she was with their mutual friends having a small get together.

He'd walked in suddenly, a new girl on his arm.


Hailey was perfect, and she excelled in everything she did. She was like Nini, but a thousand times better. Nini was always wary of Hailey, Ricky always claiming she was just a friend, but she's not shocked when Ricky started dating her.

Nini's birthday get together soon ramped up into a party, with tons of drinking. Every one of her friends were taking shot after shot, slowly losing consciousness as the night continued.

Nini was the only one who didn't find herself too tipsy, so she was thinking clearly when she saw Hailey get plastered and lean on Ricky to hold her up.

Hailey was an emotional drunk, so she clung to Ricky as she sobbed, her mascara dripping down his t-shirt.

He never used to hold her like that, claiming he didn't know how to handle drunk girls, but he was dealing with Hailey just fine.

Nini couldn't take it anymore. She grabbed her bag, packing it full with cupcakes and booze before heading out the door.

Ricky notices Nini step outside, carefully sets Hailey down on the couch before following Nini through the front door.

"Yo, Nini!!" Ricky shouts after her, "Where're you going? You can't just leave your own party!"

"Stop pretending like you care about me, Ricky. Go back to your girlfriend. She needs you." Nini shoots back.

"No, no, Nini. You've got it all wrong she's--" He began, but Nini cut him off.

"Just a friend, sure. You never held me like that, even when I was sober."

"It's not like I had a choice Nini! Our relationship was falling apart, you're not the only one who had needs!"

"God, Ricky! Stop playing the victim! You destroyed me! Stop acting like everything's okay. We're done. You made that clear, stop pretending like you care."

"I do care!! Nini I've loved you for a long time, that feeling isn't just something that goes away."

"Then prove it." Nini said.


"If you cared, if you still love me, then leave her. I mean it. You can't have us both."

"Nini, I can't just leave her."

"Oh, but you can leave me right?"

"That's not what I meant."

"I thought we still had a chance Ricky, but I don't think that's gonna happen. God, Ricky. Why'd it have to be Hailey? You know she's everything I am and more right? I knew you'd leave me for her. I knew you would."

And with that, Nini continued on down the street, and Ricky walked back inside to go back to Hailey.


Out of everyone, everyone else

Why'd it have to be Hailey?

Why'd it have to be Hailey?

Out of everyone, everyone else


DAMN. Another angsty one. I'm literally just going in order of the songs on the playlist, they just all happen to be angsty so far. They get better I promise :) 

Ricky and Nini - Song FicsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon