New girl's surprise

Start from the beginning

"It was the first thing that came to my mind, shush." Heather fired at her, slightly embarrassed which made Y/n laugh.

"It's all good." Y/n chuckled out, going back to the work. "So, how're you?"

"I think I should be asking you that." Heather chuckled out,

"Oh, come on, please?" Y/n said as she turned her whole body to her, quickly finishing the question that she was on before she focused her attention onto Heather.

"I'm fine." Heather answered, Y/n nodded her head.

"Me too. By the way, you have pretty eyes." Y/n complimented as she glanced at her, staring into her eyes for a second and smiling which made Heather blush and smile widely as her smile was contagious,

"Why thank you. You have pretty eyes too!"

"Yeah, okay, as much as I appreciate the compliment, I'd kill for your eyes. So darn attractive." Y/n expressed which made Heather look down to try and hide her pure red face.

"I also wanted to come over and say thanks... about Bishop." Heather moved on, trying to change the topic.


"M—My boyfriend." Heather elaborated, Y/n hummed and nodded her head as she grew slightly cold at that.

"Mm, it's fine." She dismissed as she out one leg under the table and the other was facing Heather, "So, what's your plans for after school?" Y/n questioned, barely looking Heather's way which she picked up on.

"Oh, uh, nothing. I—I don't think... how—how come?" Heather asked.

"Just wondering. I found this really cool spot yesterday, it's really peaceful. You should tag along." Y/n suggested, "It's cool if you don't wanna though." she added and assured which made Heather smile, 'That's thoughtful.' Heather thought to herself which brought a small smile to her face, "Heather? You okay?" Y/n asked as she waved her hand in front of Heather's face. Heather looked at her and nodded her head.

"Yeah! Yeah, sorry, um, yeah. Sure, it'll be fun!" Heather hummed out, the teacher came back and stared Heather down, letting out a sigh.


"She was helping me with a question, I didn't understand and you were away plus, she's the only person I know here. I'm sorry, Sir." Y/n quickly cut him off, his eyes now landing on Y/n as she gave him an apologetic look that Heather could tell was fake. However, she was quite surprised on how fast she was able to make up an excuse.

"I see..." He hummed out and turned to Heather, "Do you mind if you move to that seat? Just till Y/n picks stuff up." He asked Heather which she happily agreed with, she went over and grabbed her stuff.

"You're seriously ditching us?" Natalie asked which Heather shook her head at,

"I'm not ditching anyone. Just helping the new girl out. Plus, she's nice." Heather explained before she walked back over to Y/n, the two smiling and giggling making jokes and inside jokes throughout the class.


(After school)

Heather was waiting where Y/n told her to wait and when she saw Bishop walk over to her, her heartbeat picked up and raced.

"Hey. You wanna hang out?" He asked with a small smirk on his face, Heather sighed.

"I'm sorry, I promised Y/n I'd hang out with her." Heather denied, he pouted.

"Please, baby? I'm really... in the mood for something and I need you." He said, lowering his voice and tone to attempt to make him sound more attractive when in reality, Heather thought it made him more disgusting. Almost as if her prayers were answered, Y/n appeared.

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