Chapter 32: And When We Kiss I Sw- What Do You Mean They Don't Kiss?

Start from the beginning

"Your fur is made of metal! It's uncomfortable, I'm surprised you haven't broken any of my ribs!"

Virgil laid his hand on Darrell's fur. "It really is like metal!" he commented, moving some strands of fur gently. He hesitantly laid his hand on the silver fur, smiling when it didn't burn. "I bet Logan would be interested in this, I wonder how protective the fur is."

"I hope it's very protective, because I want him to be safe if he gets in trouble, though I doubt that will happen any time soon."

"Hopefully never again."

Roman stood up and dusted himself off. "Well, I showed you my wind magic, now you gotta show me how well you fly. And don't say it's too crowded here because you and I both can move the trees and branches out of your way."

"Ugh, fine!" The fairy stood up, stepping back onto the rock. "Taking off is always the hardest part."

"Not landing?"

"Once you learn how to land, you never forget it. You don't want to forget it."

"Ouch," Roman laughed. "No wonder you guys are fast healers."

Virgil punched his shoulder, making the witch laugh harder as he rubbed his arm. The fairy stepped back further before taking a running start. He jumped off of the rock and let the wind get caught under his wings, propelling him further up. He moved some branches out of the way as he moved further up, though one of his wings hit a branch and some feathers were torn, staying stuck in the branch or fluttering to the ground.

"Damn," he cursed, moving further back.

"Careful!" Roman shouted unhelpfully.

"It's fine, it's not bad." Virgil flew lower to the ground, holding his arms out to Roman. "Grab on."

"What? No way, I'm not going to-"

"What, you think I'm going to drop you? I'll use my magic, just grab on." The fairy flicked his wrist and wind spun around Roman, lifting him up.

The witch shouted in surprise and grabbed onto Virgil's hand, who lifted him up higher. The fairy laughed at his reaction as they both grabbed a better hold of each other. Virgil wrapped his arms around Roman's waist and Roman had his arms wrapped around the other's shoulders.

Darrell yipped at them from below, and Roman smiled as he looked around. He made an opening from the branches above, and the two made their way up into the open.

Roman gripped Virgil's shirt as they spun, before laughing in delight. He looked around at the forest below him, then up at the far away mountains before looking up at the clouds.

"Yeah we're not going that high," Virgil laughed, feeling the joy radiate from the witch.

Roman giggled, "Now I wish I had wings, this is amazing!" He looked at the dark feathers, noticing a purple haze covering them. Wind magic, of course! The feathers held wind magic, they were ingrained with them! No wonder Virgil never noticed, he himself has had to use little magic to fly! "It's beautiful."

Virgil blinked in surprise when he felt a pink emotion come from Roman, the taste of fruit flavored candy. "You really love this, huh?"

Roman nodded, looking back at Virgil. "It's so cool, you're so cool."

The fairy's heart fluttered. "Damn, now I gotta take you to the clouds," he said.

"Wait wha-" Was all the other could get out before Virgil flapped his wings harder, sending them higher. Roman shouted before tightening his grip, hugging himself closer to Virgil. His eyes were squeezed shut but when he felt small droplets of water hit his face he squinted them open.

It was like they were in fog, but much denser. Before he could breathe in any water, they shot out of the cloud, making some mist trail after them.

Virgil laughed as he watched Roman stare down in surprise, small water droplets falling from their hair and clothes. They slowed down, and the fairy smiled when he felt worry grow in Roman as they started falling. The witch clung onto him screaming, the fairy's back to the ground as they fell back through the cloud.

Virgil gripped the other's shirt tightly before focusing on his magic to make the wind push against them, spinning them around as their fall slowed down. Roman still screamed until they were lowered to the ground, the wind vortex letting them go and they both stumbled as they landed.

Roman tripped over his feet into Virgil, accidentally pushing the both of them into the ground. He ended up on top of Virgil, who started laughing hard.

"Ah I've never had that much fun while flying before," he panted as his laughter died down. "But stars I am tired."

"That... was terrifying. But so cool!" Roman pushed himself up, but not yet off of Virgil yet. "Do you do that often?"

The fairy blushed at the look of amazement the witch had. "I um, I don't really fly high when I do, but that doesn't mean I haven't. My fairy parents would sometimes fly to the clouds with me, or they used to anyway. I just remember it being so much fun."

Darrell barked at them, having gone back to his smaller state. Roman blushed at whatever he said before scrambling off of Virgil.

"Oh you hush!" He raised his hand and a root grew from the ground, towering over the fox.

Darrell yipped at it, crouching down as he grew bigger once again. He tackled the root, biting into it as it 'attacked' him back.

Virgil laughed as he sat up, taking Roman's other hand as he watched. "Maybe we can go flying together another time, but not for the rest of the day. I'm tired."

Roman stopped messing with the root for a moment, though Darrell still attacked it as if it was still a threat. The witch reached over and pulled a leaf from Virgil's hair. "I would love that."

The fairy smiled at him, feeling his chest bloom with warmth. It was at this moment that he realized he would do anything for Roman. Anything.

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