I understand

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"I think it would be super important for us to try and get as many houses off the market as possible. I know it's not the easiest, but we can do it guys!" Aaron encouraged

The conference room erupted in hums and nods

"We need some good publicity since one of our guys is currently on TMZ for a scandal right now" Aaron added, clearly talking about Dalton

Kelly and I side eyed each other as we tired to hold our laughs in. There isn't t a lot of us here in office, but for the few of us that were, I just know Dalton would be embarrassed if he was here

"That's all. Thank you everyone" Aaron finished as he dismissed us

Soon everyone began filing out of the conference room

"Y/n can you hang back a minute?" Aaron asked me

I nodded

"Good luck" Kelly squeezed my shoulder in a comforting manner

"What's up?' I asked once everyone else was out

"How is Ariana doing?" He asked me

"She's fine. Just focusing on herself, friends, family, and music I guess" I smile at him

"That's good. I hope she's not letting Dalton's actions get to her. I always thought he was such a good kid" he added

"Yea no, she's all good. Dalton is just going through his rebel phase or something" I laughed lightly

"Yea well his rebel phase got him and our company on TMZ" Aaron laughed back

"It'll blow over soon" I assured him

"I sure hope so" he replied

I nodded

"Have a good day sir" I smiled one last time before walking out of the conference room and back to my office

"Hello" Ariana said from the black leather couch as I stepped into office

"Jesus!" I jumped

"Sorry, did I scare you?" She giggled

"Yes" I held my chest as I closed my door

"Poor baby" she walked over to me and kissed me

Luckily the blinds were down and closed

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"Just wanted to see you" she smiled as she sat back down on the couch

"Did you drive?" I asked

"Of course not, I want to go home with you so I took an Uber" she replied

I nodded

"Come sit next to me" she patted the spot next to her

"I gave to work" I gestured to my desk

"Now" she said

I did as told and immediately sat down next to her

"Where were you?" She asked as she put her legs over mine

"In a meeting" I replied as I placed my hand on her thighs

"What was it about?" She asked

"Just about getting more houses off of the market" I said

She nodded

"How are you doing today?" I asked

"I'm good, I just missed you" she smiled gently

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