I find myself getting jealous

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Ariana's POV

The sun peering through the curtains is what causes me to wake up. I feel around the bed for Dalton, but I'm met with a cold side. I sigh and rub my eyes as I sit up and go to my phone to see if I have any messages. Instead, I'm left with a note taped to my phone

I had a meeting early this morning for the trip that is coming up. I should be home soon, I'll let you know though.

   Love, Dalton

I mentally rolled my eyes at the note. He easily could have told me over text. Instead of getting frustrated at the fact that he works more than he sees me, I decide to take a shower instead and get ready for the day. I get my clothes ready and set the water to begin doing my usual shower routine. After I was done, I blow dried my hair and began putting the extensions in. I'm also going for a light makeup look today, so it doesn't take long for me to start and finish.

As I put setting powder on, I call Y/n to see if she's free

"Heyy" She answered with a smile evident in her voice

"Hii, what are you up to today?" I asked

"I was thinking we could do something together. Just me and you, no boys" I suggested not even giving her time to respond to my first question

"Hmm, as tempting as it is, I'm supposed to be going out with Kendall today" she answered

"Jenner?" I asked

"Yea" she replied

"Oh wow" I said with a shocked tone

"What?" She questioned

"Nothing. I just didn't think you two were like that and I didn't think you were the type to.. how do I put this" I began

"Ah yes, be seen with rude celebrities" I finally found the words

"Is she a rude celebrity though?" She asked

"She can be, she doesn't talk to her fans" I pointed out

"Well not everyone is as nice as you" she answered

"Fair point, but she literally doesn't talk to her fans at all if they approach her, which she should because without them, she would be nothing" I said honestly

"Well I'll have to see for myself" she replied

"Yes, and report back to me" I said

"Will do" she answered

"So when can I see you?" I asked

"You know you're welcome to come to my house anytime you want" she told her

"Don't tell me that because I will come unannounced" I said

"Be my guest" She told me

My breath began to get caught in my throat

"Everything alright?" She asked

"Yea, my breath just got caught in my throat" I said

"Drink some water" she told her

"Yes mom" I laughed

"So are you getting ready right now?" I asked her

"Yea, I'm curling my hair" she told her

"Let's facetime" I said not giving her an option

"Okay" she said as she hit the facetime button

As soon as the call connected, my mouth dropped open

my best friends girlfriend Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora