I decided against it

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Ariana's POV

"I'm going to the studio" I called out at y/n before grabbing my keys

"Have fun! I hope you're able to write something good" she replied

"Thank you! See you later!" I said before walking out the door

Victoria told me she had a song that she wanted me to listen to so I obviously agreed. I connected my phone to the Bluetooth in order to listen to some music, but it was so rudely interrupted by Courtney calling

"Hey court" I said answering the phone

"Hey, are you on your way?" She asked

"Yea, I should be there in about fifteen" I replied

"Really? We've been here for almost twenty minutes" she said

"Victoria said we would meet there at one thirty" I said

"And it's one fifty" she replied

"Shit, I'm sorry. I guess I just lost track of time" I apologized

"Mmhm" Courtney hummed

"I did" I said

"What were you doing before we called you to tell you to get your ass over here?" She asked

"I was playing with the dogs" I said

"Was y/n there? She asked

"Yea?" I questioned

"That explains it" I heard Victoria say in the background

"What does that mean?" I asked

"Oh you know" Vic said

"Guys it's not like that. In fact, I have something to tell you girls when I get there" I said

"Okay, we'll be here waiting" Courtney said

"Alright" I replied

"K bye" Courtney said

With that, I hung up and continued to drive, now listening to music. It didn't take long for me to get the the studio since it wasn't too far from y/n's house, which is just another perk of living with her.

I parked in a spot that was semi close to the door and made my way inside, making sure to grab my bag with my notebook and MacBook. I then made my way to the room that Victoria booked and saw the girls sitting on a black leather couch together

"Finally" Victoria stood up and pulled me into a hug

"Hey girls" I said pulling away from Victoria and hugging Courtney

"How are you?" Victoria asked

"Good, how are you guys?" I asked them

They both responded with a 'good'

"So let me see this song" I said getting straight to the point

"Here you go" Victoria said handing me her notebook

I carefully read the lyrics and studied them

"Wow, I really like it. It's so good" I said

"Thank you. I also have an idea for the actual music portion of it" she added

"Wait is this song for you or for me?" I asked

"For you" she replied

"I think you would sound much better singing it though" I said

"See and I think the exact opposite" she said

"No this song was made for your voice. I can tell just based off of the lyrics" I said

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