Leave me alone

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Daltons POV

Ariana has been in the bedroom all day. I'm not sure if it's because she's still upset with me or if she just doesn't feel good. Either way, I decided to give her some space and not push her to tell me anything.

To keep myself busy, I'm playing with Toulouse and Myron as piggy is just minding her own business

"Myron, drop it" I said as he held Toulouse's toy in his mouth

Right as I said that, Ariana called for me

"Baby?" I heard Ariana call me from the bedroom

"Yea?" I asked back

"Can you come here for a second please?" She asked

"I'll be right back" I told the dogs as if they cared

Within a matter of seconds, I walked up the stairs and gave a light knock on the door before I walked into the bedroom only to see Ariana still laying in bed. This sight caused me to frown

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked genuinely concerned

"I just" she paused to let out a cough

"I just don't feel good" she finished

"Are you sick?" I asked unsure

"I think so, but I don't have a fever or anything" she said feeling her head

There was a short lived pause before she spoke again

"I don't know how I got sick though, no one I was around was sick" she said

"Yea, but it's flu season" I said

"Oh yea" she nodded

"Can I do anything?" I asked

"No it's okay. I'll be fine" she said

"Ariana" I said with soft eyes

"I'll be fine" she said before she coughed

"Let me take care of you" I said

"Well, I would appreciate it if you went and got me some cough medicine. The honey one, please?" She asked

"Of course" I nodded

"Thank you. I love you" she said

"I love you too" I replied before I left the bedroom and grabbed my car keys


"Cough medicine, cough medicine, cough medicine" I said to myself as I scan the isles in this store I've never been to

"Can I help you find something?" An associate comes and asked

"I'm looking for cough medicine?" I asked

"Isle five" the older man smiled

"Thank you" I smiled back

He nodded his head before i walked away. The second I stepped foot into the isle, I was now on the hunt for honey medicine. I found it fairly quickly and went to go look for snacks for Ariana too. I browsed the other isles as I was looking for her favorite type of popcorn

Once I found it, I grabbed a bag and made my way to the check out. I tried to get out of the store as fast as I could in order to make sure Ariana is okay and so she's not waiting on me all day, so I went to self check out. I quickly scanned my items and placed them in the bag

"Have a nice day" another associate told me as I was walking out

"Thanks, you too" I replied

As I was exiting the doors of the store, I was reading the ingredients on the box of medicine to see what else it had in it and to make sure it wouldn't make her drowsy

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