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I'm woken up by the ear piercing sound of my phone ringing. I feel around in my bed for my phone, but unfortunately can't find it which causes me to sit up and scan the room. I lean over my bed and find it on the floor. Confused as to how it got there in the first place, I lean over and grab, feeling guilty that a missed a call from someone

When I turn it on, I see that Kendall called. Assuming that it has something to with the house, I call her back quickly

"Hello?" She answered

"You called?" I asked

"Oh yea, I wanted to know if you're free to hangout today?" She questioned

I was taken completely by surprise so I didn't answer her

"You there?" She asked after some time had passed

"Yea sorry, I would love to" I replied

"Great, how about I drive to your house in about an hour and we can decide what to do from there?" She suggested

"Sounds good" I replied

I quickly gave her my address before hanging up with her. I had no plans to do anything today. I was just going to relax and maybe catch up on some work.

Now knowing that I actually have to get ready, I roll out of bed and get some clothes ready for my shower. I began to do my usual shower routine and then when I got out, I did my skin care.

I figured since this is the Kendall Jenner I will be spending the day with, paparazzi is bound to be there taking pictures so I need to actually do my hair. I quickly blow dry it before putting heat protectant in and curling it. As I'm letting my curling iron heat up, my phone begins to ring once again. Hoping it's not Aaron, I turn it over and see that it's Ariana

"Heyy" I answered with a smile despite her not being able to see it

"Hii, what are you up to today?" she asked

She didn't even give me a chance to speak before she said something again

"I was thinking we could do something together. Just me and you, no boys" she suggested

"Hmm, as tempting as it is, I'm supposed to be going out with Kendall today" I answered

"Jenner?" She asked

"Yea" I replied

"Oh wow" she said sounding shocked

"What?" I questioned

"Nothing. I just didn't think you two were like that and I didn't think you were the type to.. how do I put this" she began

"Ah yes, be seen with rude celebrities" she finally found the words

There was a hint of jealousy in her voice

"Is she a rude celebrity though?" I asked

"She can be, she doesn't talk to her fans" Ariana replied

"Well not everyone is as nice as you" I answered jokingly because it was true

"Fair point, but she literally doesn't talk to her fans at all if they approach her, which she should because without them, she would be nothing" Ariana said honestly

It's true. That's why Ariana always stopped and talked to her fans or signed autographs for them

"Well I'll have to see for myself" I replied

"Yes, and report back to me" she replied

"Will do" I answered

"So when can I see you?" She asked

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