They saw my face

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Ariana's POV

"I'm so full" Dalton said as we walked into the door

"Well yea, you ate not only your pork chop, but the rest of mine and y/n's rigatoni" I laughed

He shrugged before he spoke

"I'm a growing boy" he said nonchalantly

"I thought Dakota was the growing boy?" I asked referring to the dinner we had at mine

"We're both growing boys" he smiled as he sat on the couch

That caused me to laugh as I took a seat next to him

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked after a few seconds of silence

I nodded

"Here you pick" he said handing me the remote

"Where are you goin?" I asked

"To get a blanket" he replied

"Okay" I relied as he walked up the stairs

I was browsing through the movies when my phone pinged


Had a good time. Thanks for paying, even though you didn't have to :(

It's no worries. I had a good time too, maybe I'll let you pay next time ;)

You will, trust me

Cocky much?

Just confident

Mmmhm, have fun with your sneaky link 😏

It won't be sneaky if you know about it 😘

Gross 🤢

Goodnight Arianaaaa ❤️

Goodnight y/nnnnn ❤️

"Who you texting?" Dalton asked as he came down the stairs

"Y/n, she was thanking me for paying" I said

He nodded

"Did you find a movie?" He asked

"Yup, this one" I said

"The bee movie?" He asked

"Of course" I smiled

"How exquisite" he said with an impressed face

"Or we could watch fifty shades of grey" I smirked

"Real classy, but I think we should stick to the bee movie" he laughed

"If you say so" I shrugged

I knew he wouldn't want to watch fifty shades of grey, so that was my trick to make him fancy the bee movie more

"Come here" he opened his arms for me to go in

I happily did


"Ariana" I heard Dalton say, but I didn't move or bother to wake up from my sleep

"Ariana" he said again

"Ariana" I was now being shook awake

"Dalton, what the hell, what time is it?" I asked waking up a bit frustrated

my best friends girlfriend Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora