Knew better

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Ariana's POV

As soon as Dalton left for work, I immediately called Victoria and Courtney and surprisingly, they weren't busy, so they came over quick

"So tell us what happened exactly" Vic said in a soft voice

"We went to dinner last night with y/n and Dakota and they were being quite affectionate so I tried to do the same with Dalton, but every time he would back away, then Dakota made a comment about how many people are dying to kiss me, so he should kiss me, and y/n said "if you don't, I will" as a joke, so he kissed me" I rambled

"That's good, getting him out of his comfort zone" Courtney said

"Yea, good for him" Vic agreed

"Just wait" I said as a way to tell them that I wasn't done

They both nodded

"So the night continued, Dalton occasionally hugged me and kissed me, blah, blah, blah then when we got home, we watched a movie, I fell asleep" I paused to catch my breath

"Go on" Courtney said

"Let me breathe, damn" I laughed

That caused them to laugh

"Anyways, he woke me up before he left for work this morning and showed me some pictures. The pictures were normal at first, they were just of me, Dakota, and Y/n, but the further I scrolled down, the more pictures I saw, and I saw pictures of Dalton and I hugging and kissing. His face was evident too. Like you could clearly tell it was him" I explained

The girls gasped

"But he was cool with it, right?" Victoria asked

I shook my head while looking down at my hands that were rested in my lap

"I swear to god if he-" Courtney started

"he was yelling" I said

"What did he say?" Vic asked

"He just said that he didn't want any of this and he was basically forced to kiss me with y/n and Dakota teasing him and he said he was worried about his safety, so now he has to change his Instagram to private" I explained as I looked at them

"Shit" Courtney whispered

"Ari-" Vic started

"I don't know, I just didn't expect him to yell at me like that. I should've known better than to get with someone who didn't want anything to do with the spot lot" I said looking down into my lap again

"No, no, no. Don't say that" Courtney said

"Yea, this is on Dalton. He's just mad right now" Vic added

"Yea, he said we would talk about it later, but if I'm honest, I kind of don't want to. I just think I fucked up. I knew better" I said

"Well why don't you come shopping with Courtney and I?" Victoria asked

"Thanks, but I think I'm just gonna stay here and relax. It's my day off so I wanna enjoy it" I smiled

They both nodded

"Well, don't let this small set back bring you down, yea?" Courtney asked as they both stood up

I nodded before I spoke

"Thanks for letting me vent to you guys" I smiled as I stood up to hug them

"Of course, AG" Victoria hugged back

I said my final goodbyes to the girls before they walked out my front door and headed to their car. I sent them one final wave as they drove away


As I'm sitting outside, tanning, I pull my phone out as I heard it ping


Are you on tik tok? Like do you have an account?

I do, but my team manages it, why?

I saw the funniest video and it made me think of you, I wanted to send it to you

Save it to your phone and send it to me

Oop- I can't believe I didn't think about that LMAOO

My poor y/n, you know it's okay to use your head sometimes

Clearly I forget how to use it

I know, should I hire a tutor for you?

That actually might be pretty helpful

I know

Just make sure she's hot ;)


He can share

Oh really?

Yea, isn't every mans fantasy to have a threesome with two women?

Idk, is it?

I'm pretty sure

You're so nasty

The nastiest 🤪

Goodbyee y/nnnn

Fine, be like that
Goodbye Arianaaaa

I smile as I lock my phone and put it on the table face down

"Ariana" I heard Dalton call from the front door

I pretended like I didn't hear him though

"Ariana" he called again

I just continued to read my magazine on the lounge chairs

"Ariana, I was calling you. Is everything okay?" He asked me

"Just looking at my magazine. I didn't hear you" I said plainly

"Oh okay" he said

I nodded

"Can we uh, can we talk?" He asked

I nodded as I closed my magazine and looked at him

"Ariana, I'm sorry. I didn't mean all the bullshit I said, I was just mad. I'm still mad, but the damage is done and there's no way to take it back" he started

I wanted to give him a chance to explain

"I didn't mean to yell or scare you. I just didn't expect to become public so soon. I didn't mean it" he said

"I know. I'm sorry to think that it was okay" I said

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm the one that's going to be apologizing for the rest of my life" he said

I looked at him confused

"I know we just started dating, but I will marry you, Ariana" he said

I was in complete awe

"Not now though, but soon" he smiled

I nodded with a big smile as I pulled him into a kiss

"I love you" he said

"I love you too" I said into his neck


We definitely don't want him to marry her right?

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