We need to work something out here

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After Ariana and I cleaned up the broken glass and I changed my clothes, we decided to order some food since it was getting a little too late to cook and then went to bed.

I didn't go to bed right away though, I stayed up a little longer and watched tv in my room. I think Ariana stayed up too because I heard the tv on in her room as well. It wasn't until around four am when I heard her tv go off.. or maybe she just turned the volume down.

Since I ended up going to bed so late, I woke up at noon and I have to go into work today. I rubbed the tired out of my eyes as I threw my legs over the bed in order to get up and and go take a shower. Once I was at least a little awake, I walked to the bathroom and set my water. I did my usual routine before getting out and doing my skin care, then getting dressed.

I scanned my closet for something casual to wear. I didn't want to wear a whole blazer or anything since it is just a meeting so I settled on a button down blouse with a black skirt. I looked at the phone for the time and saw that it was already twelve fifteen and the meeting starts at twelve forty five so I need to get out of here. I had no choice but to leave the house in a hurry, not even having time to grab anything for breakfast

I made my way out the door without even saying goodbye to the dogs or Ariana. The meeting shouldn't take long anyways, I'm pretty sure we're just discussing what the people that have gone on the trip are accomplishing. I made my way to the office within twenty minutes

"Hey Kelly" I smiled as I made my way inside

"Y/n! I feel like I haven't seen you in a while" she said

"I know, you should come over for a drink sometime" I said

"I might take you up on that offer" she said

"Please do" I smiled

"Oh by the way, the meeting is being held in room three zero one" she said

"On the third floor?" I asked

She nodded

"That's weird" I replied

"That's what I said" she added

"Okay, well I head up there"

"Wait for me, I have to go too" she said

"Oh you do?" I asked

"Yea it's like a team meeting" she said

"Hm" I hummed

Kelly and I made our way up to the room where the meeting was being held and saw three other people

"Good morning y/n" they all greeted me

"Good morning guys" I smiled at everyone

After five minutes of us conversing, Aaron came in

"Alright, shall we get this meeting on the way?" He asked

We all nodded and took our seats, with Kelly and I sitting next to each other. I shared a few glances with other people from across the room as Aaron talked about Dalton and Raul teaming up. I mentally rolled my eyes at Daltons name just because of the way he's been treating Ariana.

As Aaron was talking about how he's thinking of extending the trip, Ariana texted me


Did you really run away?


Yay! I have a great big house all to myself

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