I knew we'd meet again

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Ariana came and got a good handful of her belongings after the late lunch, which should've been considered dinner yesterday. I can tell Rocky was taking the absence of Toulouse and Myron quite hard considering the fact that he didn't show as much energy as he once was

"They'll be back. I give it two weeks before Dalton has to leave again" I told Rocky as I pet his head

My phone then began to ring and I saw that it was Aaron so I wasted no time in answering

"Hello" I answered

"Y/n, it's Aaron" he began

I couldn't help but to laugh

"Why are you laughing?" He asked

"Because caller ID exists" I said with a smile evident in my voice

"Oh shut up" he started to laugh

"What's up?" I asked wanting him to get to the point

"Where are you?" He asked

"Home. It's my lunch" I told him

"Oh it's already that time?" He asked

I nodded even though he couldn't see it

"I hate to ask this and interrupt your lunch, but can you come back. I have a house that I want you to show" he told me

"Yea I can" I told him

"Okay see you in a few" he said

"Alright" I told him before hanging up and grabbing my keys

"Sorry Rock, but I'll be home later" I told him as I walked out the front door and to my car

Dalton wasn't working today so that's why I decided to take my lunch at my house. Aaron gave him and a few others the day off since they had just gotten back from the trips and were probably jet lagged or something

I made it back to the office quite quickly as I listened to music to pass the time. Parking my car in my usual spot, I made my way up the stairs to be met with Aaron standing at the fax machine

"Oh hey, you got here quick" he told me

"I ran every red light and stop sign" I said with a serious face

"Oh... uh- Love the dedication" he said

"I'm obviously joking" I laughed

"We're just full of jokes today huh?" He asked

"Seems like it" I replied with a smile

He shook his head at me

"So who's this house for?" I asked

"I actually have no idea. There was no name" he replied

"So most likely a celebrity that wants to remain anonymous?" I asked

He nodded

"Okay, noted" I said

Aaron pulled me into his office and gave me the run down before I made my way to the house which was a good hour and a half drive from the office. I passed the time by listening to music of course, but midway through, my music stopped and I began to get a phone call

"Hello?" I answered not checking the caller ID because I didn't want to take my eyes off the road

"Heyy" Ariana sang

"Oh Ariana!" I cheered

"You didn't know it was me?" She asked

"I didn't check the caller ID. I'm driving" I replied

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