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I was sleeping so good until my phone started ringing

"Ugh" I groaned

I rolled over and looked at my clock to see that it's eight a.m

"Who the fuck?" I asked myself

I turned my phone face up and saw Aaron was calling me. I made a yikes face and I quickly answered it

"Hey Aaron" I said trying to sound awake

"Morning y/n. I hope I didn't wake you" he said

"No you didn't, I've been up for a while" I lied

"Okay, that's good. How are you?" he asked

"I'm good, how are you?" I asked back

"I'm good" he replied

The line went quiet for a second

"So what's up?" I finally asked

"Well I know since majority of the team is out on business trips that you're only supposed to go into the office if it's absolutely necessary" he started

"Yea?" I asked

"But I have a client that would like to look at a house" he said

I nodded even though he couldn't see it

"And you're really good at selling houses..." he continued

I sighed waiting for him to spit it out, but it didn't seem like he would anytime soon

"Thank you Aaron. Yes I would love to show the house and potentially sell it" I said

He let out a breath of air

"Okay thank you" he finally said

"Of course" I said

"So now you're responsible for the house" he said

"I know" I laughed

"Until it's sold" he said

"Yes I know how this works" I laughed again

"Okay" he said

"Were you scared to ask me or something?" I asked

"I mean a little" he said

"Why?" I asked

"Because this is the one time you have a break and I didn't want to ruin it" he said

"I appreciate it, but I don't mind" I said

"Okay, thank you" he said again

"It's not problem" I replied

"I would've asked Mike... but" he started

"But?" I asked

"He's not very good at sealing the deal" he said honestly

"Damn Aaron, the shade" I laughed

"It's true, don't tell anyone though" he laughed

"I won't" i said with a smile evident in my voice

"Okay, well I'll leave you to it" he said

"Okay, talk soon" I said

We said our final goodbyes before hanging up. I sighed as I got out of bed and picked some clothes out. I went for a basic look, a skirt and a button down shirt. I honestly look like a secretary. I then walked to my bathroom to go take a shower

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