Celebrate with me

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Ariana's POV

As I'm sitting on the couch in my living room, I hear my doorbell ring, meaning my friends are finally here. I paused my episode of dynasty and get up from the couch, walking to the door

"Coming" I said once my doorbell rang again

I opened the door to reveal Victoria and Courtney

"Hey, come in" I moved aside to let them in

"What's up AG?" Vic asked

"I wanted to share the good news with you two before I told the other guys" I started

"You're pregnant!?" Courtney asked

I rolled my eyes playfully

"No court, I'm not pregnant" I said

"Good, because I would be wondering who the baby daddy is" she said

"So what's the news?" Vic asked

"I bought a house!" I cheered

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Another one?" Courtney asked

I nodded

"What's wrong with this one?" She asked

"It just brings too many bad memories from when I dated Pete, you know?" I asked

They both nodded

"Can we see pictures of the house?" Courtney asked

"Yea" I said pulling my phone out and going to the Aaron Kirman website.

I handed them my phone and let them look at the pictures

"Holy shit, where did you find this?" Vic asked

"A friend recommended their website" I shrugged

"Damn, it's nice as fuck" Courtney said

"And the real estate agent is hot too" I smiled

"What?" Vic asked

"Hm?" I hummed

"Now you have to show us this real estate agent" Courtney said

"Okay, but just know, he's mine" I said

They both put their hands up in a surrender as I turned my phone screen to them. I watched as Courtney's mouth hung open

"Oh my god" Courtney said

"He's cute" Victoria added

"I know" I nodded

"What's his name?" Court asked

"Dalton Gomez" I smiled

"Uh oh" vic said looking at court

"Uh oh what?" I asked

"You like him.. a lot" Courtney said

Victoria nodded with a knowing look

"No i dont, I just think he's cute" I said as Victoria scrolled through my phone more

"Mmhm, you smiled when you said his name" Courtney said

"It's a nice name" I shrugged

"Yea I be-" Courtney was cut off by Victoria literally screeching

"Holy fuck Vic" I said covering my ears

"Sorry, I was looking at the house you bought and I saw the Dalton guy selling it with his friend, y/n Russo" Victoria said

"Oh yea, I met her on Wednesday" I said

my best friends girlfriend Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora