We're just having fun

Start from the beginning

A few minutes later, I joined her downstairs and saw her sitting on the couch scrolling through her phone

"I think I'm ready" I smiled

She nodded as she turned around to look at me

"The dogs and piggy are all taken care of" Ariana said

"Okay" I replied

"And you're driving" she told me

"Okay" I laughed as I grabbed my keys

"I never got my kiss this morning" she told me as she stood in front of the door

"I know" I teased

"So can I get one now?" She asked

"Is that what we do? We just kiss now?" I asked with a laugh in my voice

"Yes" she replied as she leaned up on her tip toes and kissed me

"For the time being" she said as she pulled away

"What does that mean?" I asked as I followed after her

"Come on" she said avoiding my question

"Ariana, what does that mean?" I asked as she got in the car on the passenger side

She still ignored me

"But what does it mean?" I asked sounding like a little kid

"I don't know yet" she shrugged

I was genuinely so confused, but I didn't want to push any further so I instead started the car and pulled out of the driveway

"I actually don't know where Courtney lives" I laughed lightly

"Oh yea" she hummed as she pulled up her maps

I watched as she typed the address into her phone and then set it in the phone holder

"Can I?" She asked looking into the cupholder where my phone sat

I nodded which allowed her to get my phone. She typed my passcode in while she said it under her breath before going to Spotify to play music. It didn't take long for Ariana and I to reach Courtney's house and pull into her driveway. I think what helped pass the time was listening to Ariana hum to whatever song that was playing.

When I parked the car and got out, Ariana rang the doorbell to the home and Courtney swung it open with a smile on her face

"Oh hey you two" she spoke with a wide smile

"Hey" Ariana smiled before pulling her into a hug

"Heyy" Courtney sang as she disconnected from her hug with Ariana and embraced me in one

"How are you?" I asked

"Good, and you?" She asked back

"I'm good, thanks" I smiled as we followed her inside

"Victoria should be here any minute" Courtney said while we made it to the living room

As if on cue, the doorbell rang once again

"Oh, there she is!" She said and answered the door

As Courtney was inviting Victoria in, Ariana took my hand in hers and pushed me down yo sit next to her on the couch

"Shut up" Courtney told Victoria with a laugh as they joined us in the living room

"Wow, you guys beat me here?" Victoria laughed

"We took Y/n's helicopter" Ariana joked

"Oh no way, do you think I could borrow it?" Victoria played along

"Sure, whenever you want" I nodded

She fist pumped in the air

"How are you doing AG?" Victoria asked

"I'm good" Ariana smiled

"And you?" She asked me

"I'm good" I answered with a gentle smile

"And what are these?" Victoria asked as she touched her finger to my neck

I had a confused look on my face which caused Ariana to grab my chin gently and move my head so the right side of my neck was facing her

"Oh I didn't notice those before" Ariana spoke

"Those are from you?" Courtney asked in shock

"I didn't say that. I just said I didn't see them before" Ariana defended

"They're actually from me" Courtney winked at me which caused a blush to creep up on my cheeks

Ariana and Victoria looked at each other with a look that I just cant quite describe

"You wish" Ariana joked

"You're right" Courtney shrugged

"So who are they from then, if they're from you or Court?" Victoria asked Ariana

"They probably are from me" Ariana admitted with a shrug

"I knew it!" Courtney exclaimed

Ariana shrugged

"So are you two..?" Victoria began

"Fucking orrrr..?" Ariana asked as she tried to complete Victoria's sentence

"I was going to say together" Victoria laughed

Ariana looked at me and I looked at her. She had a look on her face and I knew exactly what she was trying to tell me so I nodded

"We are" Ariana said with a serious face

"You're together?" Courtney asked as she nearly choked on her coke

I nodded

"And we're madly in love" Ariana said leaning into me

It was hard to hold back our smiles

"In fact, she proposed last night and I said yes" Ariana added

"It's all true" I nodded

"Haha, very funny" Victoria rolled her eyes

"But really?" Courtney asked wanting to know the truth

"No, we're just... having fun" Ariana finally said

I nodded as I agreed with her

"And what does this fun consist of?" Victoria asked

"I would tell you, but it might make you jealous" Ariana shrugged

I couldn't help but to laugh

"Please, if I didn't have a baby daddy, I could easily take Y/n from you" Victoria said with a wink sent my way

"You wouldn't dare" Ariana playfully gasped

Victoria pursed her lips teasingly

"Alright, moving on. We will talk about this when you're in a more serious mood" Courtney chimed in to move on

Ariana and I laughed at the topic changed

Victoria began to catch us up on all things her life and even mentioned how her baby is due soon. As for Courtney, she doesn't have anything big going on. She did mention how she went on a couple of dates though and only one of them was fun.


I hope no one sold their pancreas or liver for this chapter :) 🤍

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